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shining on the spray, and the streams were so arranged that the colours kept changing as the sun changed his position in the heavens.

I now understood why Tehana was circular, and appreciated the culture of the people, who considered that, owing to its singular position, it should be emblematical of the form of our world.

After remaining for some time in this beautiful place, we returned to the vehicle, and made a fresh start for the Governor's residence.

As in Atazatlan, only one side of the street—the outer one—was used for business purposes, the porticos of the houses on the opposite side having the appearance of conservatories of flowering plants and creepers.

I made inquiries concerning the Great Fountain, and was told by Yeyema that it had been built many centuries, and that the water which supplied it came from a lake high up in the neighbouring mountains.

He also remarked that so complete were the designs of the channel of communication, and so perfect the materials used in its construction, that for generations it had not been found necessary to effect repairs or interfere with it in any way.

For the first time in Neuroomia I now saw boys