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and girls, and in a few cases men and women, riding on graceful-looking animals resembling the deer. Judging from their build, I came to the conclusion that they must be very swift, and they did not appear to have a particle of vice in their nature. The vehicle pulled up in front of one of the mansions we passed, and which I understood to be the residence of a legislator. Yeyema stepped out, and informed me that he had business here, which would probably detain him for some little time, and that I could accompany him if I chose.

However, I preferred waiting, everything being so glorious outside. I came down and walked a little distance along the porticos (the others remaining in the vehicle), when I met a very attractable looking young lady, accompanied by a lad, probably her brother, riding in the opposite direction. They stopped, however, and dismounted only a few doors from where I was standing, and, letting the animals go, were about to enter one of the buildings. I felt curious, and thought I would like to have a ride on one of these new “mokes.” So I stepped up to the boy, and inquired if I could have a “spin” on the animal close by. He readily consented, stating the time when he would again require the beast. I mounted with little difficulty,