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and started him off along the street. He was not getting over the ground, however, as rapidly as I desired, so I jerked his head in order to make him go faster—a performance, it was plain, he did not relish. Still, it had the effect I had anticipated, for he went along much more quickly, but at the same time at a peculiar dancing pace that jerked me terribly; so I had another pull at his head. This time, however, he made a bound to the one side that almost shook the liver out of me. I now got impatient, and kicked him on the ribs with my heels, wondering if he were used to spurs. He now went along with lightning speed for a little distance, then stopped all at once. I was, however, prepared for this manoeuvre on his part, and did not go over his head. He appeared somewhat disappointed at this, for he made a strange snorting noise, and went very quickly backward by a series of leaps, which I knew would impair my digestion.

However, I did not loose my balance, and felt all the more confident that I could master him, so I gave his head a few more jerks and his ribs a few more kicks, in order to persuade him into submission; but he did not appear to be inclined that way, for he sprang first forward, then sideways, and went along at a hopping pace that punished me