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and as buoyant as ever. With heaving heart she watched him approach the blossom. He stretched out his hand, and it was almost within his grasp, when the branch gave way. He fell; still clinging to the broken limb, and though he was a good swimmer, never came to the surface again.

Did she try to save him?

Of course she tried to save him, plunging in at once and diving for him, but was herself carried away by the torrent, and in the end rescued by a man who saw her descending with the stream. This he did at the risk of his own life, for she was only a little distance above a precipice when he first beheld her.

Soon afterwards her father became a legislator, and they removed to Tehana, where for the next four years she attended one of the State schools—all the schools in Neuroomia being supported and controlled by the State—to complete her education. Since her father became governor, they had a great many visitors, and attended many gatherings; yet she pined for her lost lover and mountain home.

I felt deeply interested in this sad, beautiful girl, and was inclined to say words of comfort; but she resumed, that it was time I had another sleep; then,