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wishing me rest, departed. However, I did not sleep for a long time, and when I did, it was only to dream of a sweet face and golden hair. On waking, I looked at the time, and saw that I had slept long. However, I felt much benefited by it, and thought that I would like to get up.

I should here state that the long day in Neuroomia is divided, like that of our own, into fractions, for the sake of convenience, and these are indicated with great accuracy by their timepieces.

I now began to wonder how long Yandalia would be absent, when the door opened, and Dr. Exelexeto made his appearance.

“Ah! awake again! Looking well, though. Just as I expected. Let me feel your neck. Fever nearly gone. Must give you an overhauling, though. Swallow this.”

“How about my hair, doctor?” I interjected.

“Will it ever grow again?”

“How old are you?” he demanded.

“I was fifty.”

“Fifty, eh!” he exclaimed.

“Why, I thought by your appearance that you must at least be one hundred and fifty! Why, you are only a boy yet! Grow? Yes; I haven't the least doubt it will, and your eyebrows and eyelashes too.”