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This was indeed consoling, and I believe did me more good than his medicine.

He now began to examine me and take off the bandages. When he had uncovered my head, he got a glass and brought it to me.

"Here," he said, "look for yourself. I know you are vain."

I grasped it eagerly, and could see a few dark hairs making their appearance on my smooth crown. I next looked for the eyebrows and eyelashes—they were just beginning to grow.

"That'll do," he said, taking the glass away. "I shall have a look at your wounds. Hold your head well down: it won't drop off. Yes, very satisfactory indeed—nearly healed. Now for your back. No! that will not do. Lie flat on your chest. Had a narrow escape. Bad place, very close to the spine. Soon be all right. That'll do. Need not cover your head up again. Give the hair room to grow. Visitors anxious to see you. Fourteen newspaper reporters called little while ago. Sent them all away. Made inquiries about your health. Several paragraphs about you in Tehana journals. Soon be a new man. Better than before."

"Will I get my teeth again, doctor?" I asked.

"Yes, my lad," was the response, "better than