Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/14

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in matters of faith, and the protection of government; conſequently we aſſure, to all perſuaſions and religions, freedom and liberty according to the laws of the country, and in all dominions of the republic.

Article II.

Nobility, or the Equeſtrian Order.

Revering the memory of our anceſtors with gratitude, as the firſt founders of our liberties, it is but juſt to acknowledge, in a moſt ſolemn manner, that all the preeminence and prerogatives of liberty, both in public and private life, ſhould be inſured to this order; eſpecially laws, ſtatutes, and privileges, granted to this order by Caſimir the Great, Lewis of Hungary, Ladiſlaus Jagellon, and his brother Wit-
