Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/15

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toldus, Grand Duke of Lithuania; alſo by Ladiſlaus and Caſimirus, both Jagellons; by John Albertus, Alexander, Sigiſimundus the Firſt, and Sigiſmundus Auguſtus, (the laſt of the Jagellonic race) are by the preſent act renewed, confirmed, and declared to be inviolable. We acknowledge the rank of the noble Equeſtrian order in Poland to be equal to all degrees of nobility—all perſons of that order to be equal among themſelves, not only in the eligibility to all poſts of honour, truſt, or emolument, but in the enjoyment of all privileges and prerogatives appertaining to the ſaid order: and in particular, we preſerve and guarantee to every individual thereof perſonal liberty and ſecurity of territorial and moveable property as they were formerly enjoyed; nor ſhall we even ſuffer the leaſt encroachment on either by the ſupreme national power, (on which the
