Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/39

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Judicial Power.

As judicial power is incompatible with the legiſlative, nor can be adminiſtered by the King, therefore tribunals and magiſtratures ought to be eſtabliſhed and elected. It ought to have local exiſtence, that every citizen ſhould know where to ſeek juſtice, and every tranſgreſſor can diſcern the hand of national government. We eſtabliſh, therefore,

1ſt. Primary Courts of Juſtice for each palatinate and dsſtrict, compoſed of Judges choſen at the Dietine, which are always to be ready to adminiſter juſtice. From theſe Courts appeals are allowed to the high tribunals, erected one for each of
