Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/40

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three provinces, in which the kingdom is divided. Thoſe Courts, both primary and final, ſhall be for the claſs of nobles, or equeſtrian order, and all the proprietors of landed property.

2dly. We determine ſeparate Courts and Juriſdictions for the free royal towns, according to the law fixed by the preſent Diet.

3dly. Each province ſhall have a Court of Referendaries for the trial of cauſes relating to the peaſantry, who are all hereby declared free, and in the ſame manner as thoſe who were ſo before.

4thly. Courts, curial and aſſeſſorial, tribunals for Courland, and relational, are hereby confirmed.
