Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/48

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love of our country, we command all magiſtrates and troops here preſent to take it immediately. The commiſſion of war ſhall iſſue orders to the reſt of the army quartered in the kingdom, and in the grand duchy of Lithuania, to do the ſame within one month at fartheſt from the date of the preſent law.

We recommend to our Biſhops to appoint one and the ſame day of public thankſgiving to God Almighty in all churches over the kingdom; alſo, we appoint a day, N.N. for the ſolemn celebrating, by us and our poſterity, of a commemoration anniverſary for the mercies of the Supreme Being ſhewn to us after ſo many public calamities.

And that future ages may know and feel that it is by the aſſiſtance of the Supreme
