Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/49

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Diſpoſer of nations we have ſurmounted the greateſt difficulties and obſtacles, and effected this happy Revolution, we decree, that a church ſhall be erected and conſecrated to Divine Providence in memory of this event, and at the expence of the States.

Having thus ſatisfied our general feelings on this event, we turn our attention towards ſecuring the ſame conſtitution, by declaring and enacting, that whoever ſhould dare to oppoſe it, or to diſturb the public tranquillity, either by exciting miſtruſt, or by perverſe interpretation of this conſtitution, and much more by forming inſurrections and confederacies, either openly or ſecretly, ſuch perſons or perſons are declared to be enemies and traitors to their country, and ſhall be puniſhed as ſuch with the utmoſt rigour by the Comitial Tribunal.
