Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/112

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THE following event being in my opinion very extraordinary, and having a relation to the subject-matter of these papers, I think it highly deserving to be communicated to the public. In order to this I have prevailed upon Mr. Oborne, a worthy friend of mine, who for many years was a very reputable surgeon and apothecary at Clerkenwell, and who attended the person, the subject of this account, to recollect every particular worthy notice relating to it, which he has been so obliging as to do, and of which the following is the history.

Jane Brown, aged twenty-three, a poor young woman, was seized with the small-pox and committed to the care of a nurse who used to take in indigent persons under that disease, and lived not far from the New River at Islington. Though the small-pox were come out, she was still delirious, and the nurse being gone out upon some little affairs of her own, the patient, during this absence, got out of bed, ran through the garden, and threw herself into the New River. This was between twelve and one at noon, November 21, 1741.
