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being the true Art of Courtship.


SPRING renewing all things gay,
Nature’s dictates all obey:
In each creature we may see
The effect of love’s decree;
Thus their state,
Such their fate:
Do not Molly, be to late.

Look around and see them play,
All are wanton while they may:
Why should precious time be lost,
After summer comes a frost:
All pursue nature’s due;
Let us, Molly, do so too.

Flowers all around us blowing,
Herds in every meadow lowing,
Birds on every branch are wooing,
Turtles all around us cooing:
Hark they coo, see! they woo;
Let us, Molly, do so too.

Mark! how kind yon swain and lass,
Yonder fitting on the grass:
See how earnestly he sues,
While she, blushing, can’t refuse:
See yon two, how they woo:
Let us, Molly, do so too.

Mark that cloud above the plain,
See! it seems to threaten rain:
Herds and flocks do run together,
Seeking shelter from the weather:
Fear not you, I’ll be true:
Let us, therefore, do so too.