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The New School of Love;


'TIS nae very lang sinsyne,
that I had a lad o’ my ain;
But now he’s awa’ to anither,
and left me a’ my lane;
The lass he’s courting has siller,
and I hae nane at a’:
And 'tis nought but the love o' the tocher,
that’s ta’en my laddie awa’.

But I'm blythe that my heart’s by ain,
and I’ll keep it a’ my life,
Until that I meet wi’ a lad
wha has sense to wale a good wife:
For though I say’t mysel,
that shou’d na’ say’t, ’tis true,
The lad that gets me for a wife,
he’ll ne’er hae occasion to rue.

I gang sow clean and sow tosh,
as a’ the neighbours can tell;
Though I’ve seldom a gown on my back,
but sic as I spin mysel,
And when I am clad in my curtesy,
I think mysel as bra’
As Susy, wi’ a’ her pearling,
that’s ta’en my laddie awa’.

But I wish they were buckled together,
and may they live happy for life!
Though Willie does slight me and’s left me,
the chiel he deserves a good wife.
But, Oh! I'm blythe that I’ve miss’d him,
as blythe as I weel can be:
For ane that’s sae keen o’ the siller,
will never agree wi’ me.