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urging his argument any farther, drew his sword, which example was followed by the whole company. The two disputants put themselves in a posture of defence, then like great generals, or wise politicians, began a treaty sword in hand: on this their friend's found, on a proper mediation a peace might be concluded on, if they would hit on some expedient to adjust some punctilios of honour.

 They disarmed the two antagonists, and leaving them under the care of two or three friends the rest retired to argue the point. Many salvos and purcilios were found out, yet none satisfactory in the judgement of their mutual friends; this would too much derogate from the honour of Don Alvarez, that was not equivalent to the affront Don Lopez had received, at last Signior Camillo, a man of great sagacity, told the company, that a short memory was no more reflection to a man of honour than a man of wit; therefore if their two friends would forget the past, the thing was at once adjusted. The proposal was universally applauded, and two persons dispatched to whisper it separately to the parties concerned, which they immediatelv came into: upon this Don Lopez and Alvarez were sent for in, and they entered hand in hand, each smiling on one another Alvarez addressed himself to Signior Camillo, and said, it had been reported he had struck Don Lopez on the head, but he came there to do himself and the brave Don justice, declaring upon his honour he did not remember any such accident: And, you may depend upon it, cried Lopez, If I had

remembered any such thing, which if true, I could have never forgot, I would have righted myself