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performance, cm the manner it was received, asked him how Mr. Cumberland was? For, added he I hear he was in a side box. He was, replied his friend, and he looked exactly like the ancestors of Charles on the picture-scene he never stirred a muscle, nor gave the least indication of a laugh from beginning to end. No! replied Sheridan, That was surely most devilish ungrateful of him for he had a tragedy come out last week and curse me if I did not laugh the whole time of its representantion.

 Charles Fox upon seeing hung at a lady's watch the picture of her deceased husband, who, it was believed, had hastened his end by intemperance in connubial joys, said, It was barbarous in her to hang him in chains so near the place of execution.
 Mrs. Billington was singing the Soldier tir’d of war’s alarms, a song particularly calculated to display her vast powers of voice, and in the execution of which she stands unrivalled, when a fellow in the gallery cried out, D—-n her, she has got a nest of nightingales in her belly.
 At Madrid, Signior Alvarez and Don Lopez, two Spanish gentlemen, happened in a public

place, to enter into a warm dispute; one hot word produced a hotter and contradictions begot one another like Jews. Signior Alvarez finding his wood grow hot, thought the readiest way to cool it was to let out some of Don Lopez’s, accordingly it caught up something, and instantly broke his head.

 On this the debate ended, and instead of