Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/156

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"I urged this reform in 1890 when I was postmaster general," said Mr. Wanamaker. "Now I hope that the over-sea postage will be followed by national one-cent postage.

"Within three years the income from over-sea postage under the two-cent charge for stamps will be as great as under the five-cent charge. In fact, two years ago I made the offer to the government in conjunction with several other gentlemen to guarantee that there would be no deficit under the two-cent foreign postage.

"If railroad rates for the carrying of mails were lessened to equality with commercial rates, the two-cent rate might be cut to one-cent without loss to the government."


The claim that the equal suffrage bill might be repealed at the coming special session of the legislature because the Political Equality League has not filed expense statements under the new corrupt practice law, is sheer nonsense, according to Miss Mary K. Block, secretary of the league.

"Since equal suffrage was not mentioned in the call for the special session of the legislature, it cannot be considered," said Miss Block. "The story is the work of those opposed to 'votes for women' because they know how strong the sentiment for woman suffrage is in this state."

Combining Several Interviews. When a number of interviews are included in one story, the lead usually presents the consensus of opinions given, and explains or summarizes the results. The separate interviews may be combined in one of several ways. Not infrequently the name of the person expressing the opinion is put at the beginning of the paragraph and is followed by the quotation. In other cases the quotation for each person