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is put first in the paragraph, and the explanatory matter follows at the end of the first sentence. The following examples illustrate both forms:


With almost complete unanimity public officials and other prominent men today disapproved of the plan of the Carnegie Foundation to give ex-presidents of the nation an annual pension of $25,000. That the acceptance of such a gratuity was beneath the dignity of one who had held the highest office in the land, was the general objection to the plan. A few public men lauded the pension scheme as giving an opportunity for the nation to profit by the experience and knowledge of those who had served the people.

"If it has come to the point where ex-presidents cannot take care of themselves, we ought to make provision for their admission to a charitable institution," said Congressman Henry of Texas.

"It isn't worth doing," was the comment of Speaker Champ Clark.

"The scheme doesn't strike me very favorably," said Senator McCumber.

"I don't see any objection to it or any great value in it. I think any man elected for a public office ought to work himself back into citizenship when his term expires," declared Senator Sutherland of Idaho.


That the question of adopting the commission form of government for Hamilton should be submitted to the voters at the election next spring, was the opinion expressed by many Hamilton business men and professional men today. The recent adoption of this form of municipal government by several other cities of the state has led to the discussion of the advisa-