Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/283

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Jan× 10×

A cross (×) is used for a period.

") I used("

Quotation marks are often put in half circles to indicate clearly whether they are beginning or end marks.

 ————- —-
(readily | reply)
 —- ———

Elements to be transposed are marked thus: "to readily reply".

A line is used to connect the end of one line with the beginning of another when both are to form a continuous line of print.

The end mark (#) or the number 30 in a circle is written at the end of every complete piece of copy.

The application of these marks and the catch lines in the editing of copy are shown by the following typical pages:

  (*9 wreck)
 |Trenton,Mo.,Dec.31×—ImprisonedIn a tourist sleep-
   at least (12) passengers
   ing car,'' and burned to death-\''is believed to be
   the fate of 12 passengerson '' the Westbound Calif-
   ornia special of the Chicago,Cairo and omaha(R.R.)
   jumped the track ————- = ——
 '' (3) miles west of here at (six-forty) this morning.
  THE number of victims\'may be larger bet thefacts
/-will not be known untilll the debris has been