Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/284

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searched The train was derailed while gliding through snow covered country at a high rate of speed. The cause of the wreck is not known. The engine suddenly jumped the track, and ploughed in thru the roadbed landing 50 feet from the track The cars piled up on both sides of the trackand the tourist sleeper took fire from the engine The wreck occured suddenly and by the time th passengers realized what had happened the tourist car was selane. Happening in an isolated spot the only available aid was the passengers and the trainmen.

Flames p revented the resecers from entering the tourist-sleeper. From the windows of this caronly two passengers made their escape. The fate of the otherscan only be guessed.

"There were at least 14 in the car, said Jno. R. Williams, a real estate dealer in Los ANgeles who with his son Frank escaped from the burning car. We were thrown onto the floor by the collission but managed to crawl out of the broken window of our berth before the fire reached our end of the car.

Both the engineer, Wm. Hanks, of St Louis and the fire man Arthur Smith also of St Louis were seriously injured by jumping when the engine left the track.