Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/285

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1. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with all details of the typographical style of your paper.

2. Read every word of copy carefully.

3. Work as rapidly as is consistent with accuracy; don't putter over corrections.

4. Make all corrections and changes so clear that the compositor can not misunderstand them.

5. Revise and rearrange whenever possible instead of rewriting.

6. Cut out all needless words and phrases.

7. Don't think that your own way of expressing an idea is the only good way.

8. Scrutinize carefully all participles, pronouns, conjunctions, correlatives, and "only's."

9. Watch for the omission of the apostrophe in possessives and contractions.

10. See that all quoted matter is properly enclosed in "quotes."

11. Be sure to put single "quotes" on quotations within quotations.

12. Verify names, initials, addresses, dates, and facts generally.

13. Be on the lookout for libelous matter.

14. Give every story a distinctive guide line.

15. Don't confuse "add's" and "follow's" in marking copy.

16. Keep a record of all copy read with size of head, length of story, author, and time.

17. Draw a line around all directions intended for the compositors.

18. Consult your superior when in doubt about the propriety of anything in copy.


Point out all changes that should be made in editing the