Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/311

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18 unit letters | FOREST RESERVE ACT |
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18 unit letters | IS DECLARED INVALID |
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10 words, or | |
30 unit letters |State Supreme Court's Decision|
25 unit letters | Puts Tax Assessing Depart- |
15 unit letters | ment In Dilemma. |
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23 unit letters | MAY ENJOIN THE OFFICIALS |
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10 words, or | |
30 unit letters |State's Attorney Wayne Threat-|
25 unit letters | ens Action if Attempt is Made|
15 unit letters | to Collect Levy. |

The story for which the headline is to be written follows:

The city council finance committee last night unanimously agreed to a proposition made by Mayor Harrison to have a committee of experts decide each year how much money shall be spent in each ward for street cleaning and garbage and refuse collection.

The mayor said the plan could not be adopted this year, as the committee was engaged in making up the budget for 1912 and there would not be time.

The suggestion of the mayor came during the annual "squabble" of the committee over the ward appropriations. As usual every member was contending for an increase.

"I'll tell you, gentlemen," suddenly broke in Mayor Harrison, "this helter skelter method of making up ward appropriations should be discontinued. It is a system that is out of date and one that works an injustice on many sections of the city. I would suggest that we have a commission or a committee of experts begin next year, about three months before the committee begins making up the budget, and work out a scientific plan for the proper distribution of the street cleaning and garbage removal funds."