Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/312

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"I'm with you there," declared Aldermen Cermak and Egan in unison, and every alderman around the table enthusiastically endorsed the proposition.

The work of making the ward appropriations was continued after the mayor's suggestions and raises were granted along the line.

In editing this story of the meeting of the city council finance committee, the copy-reader would get these four main points:

(1) Mayor Harrison's proposal to the finance committee in regard to the allotment of ward funds was approved.

(2) His plan is to have experts decide the division on a scientific basis.

(3) The new method cannot be put into operation until next year on account of lack of time.

(4) The fight, or "squabble," among the aldermen on this matter has been an annual one.

As the subject of the story is the "ward funds," the headline may be constructed around these words. The words "ward fund" contain 9-1/2 units, and the plural "ward funds," 10-1/2 units, which, on the basis of 18 units to be filled in each half of the first deck, will leave 7-1/2 or 8-1/2 units to be filled, according as the singular or plural form of "fund" is used. If a verb is desired for the first half deck, the "dividing" or "allotting" of the fund expresses the idea involved; and, since the action is in the future, "to divide" or "to allot" (8 units each), or "will divide" or "will allot" (10 units each), are possibilities. The combination of these elements gives "To Allot Ward Fund" (18-1/2 units) and "To Divide Ward Fund" (18-1/2 units), either of which may be used for the first half of the top deck. This deck may be completed in the second half by introducing the second point; namely, that the allotment