Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/313

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is to be made "On a Scientific Basis" (19 units), which can be reduced to 17 units by omitting the article "a." The result will then be as follows:

| TO DIVIDE WARD FUND | 18-1/2 unit letters
| ON SCIENTIFIC BASIS | 17 unit letters

Or the second point may be used in the form of the allotment's being made "with the aid of experts" (22-1/2 units), which may be reduced to 18-1/2 units by omitting the article "the." The resulting combination will be:

| TO ALLOT WARD FUND | 18-1/2 unit letters
| WITH AID OF EXPERTS | 18-1/2 unit letters

If it is desired to emphasize the fact that the mayor has solved the ward fund problem, or has ended the "grab," or settled the "squabble," or dispute, or fight, these phrases may be arranged in the following forms:


| WARD FUND PROBLEM | 18 units
| IS SOLVED BY MAYOR | 18 units


| WARD FUND SQUABBLE | 18-1/2 units
| IS SETTLED BY MAYOR | 19 units