Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/314

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| FIGHT FOR WARD FUND | 19 units
| IS ENDED BY MAYOR | 17 units


| GRAB FOR WARD FUND | 18-1/2 units
| IS STOPPED BY MAYOR | 19 units

Still greater prominence can be given to the mayor by putting the word at the beginning of the first half of the first deck, but by so doing the real subject, that is, the ward fund division or wrangle, must go over into the second half. In this arrangement the forms would be:


| MAYOR HAS SETTLED | 17 units
| WARD FUND WRANGLE | 18 units


| MAYOR PUTS AN END | 17-1/2 units
| TO WARD FUND SCRAP | 18-1/2 units


| MAYOR'S PLAN SOLVES | 19 units
| WARD FUND PROBLEM | 18 units

If more emphasis is desired for the point that experts are to settle or decide the ward fund division or fight, these statements may be combined as follows, but