Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/377

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Abbreviations in copy, 226.

Abbreviations in headlines, 288.

Accidents, news stories of, 101, 109.

Accuracy in news, limitations to, 341.

Accuracy in news, necessity for, 51, 341.

Ad alley, 328.

Addresses, reporting, 46.

Adds in copy, 61, 260.

Advance copy of speeches, etc., 47, 58.

Advance stories, release of, 48, 57.

Advertisements, position for, 8.

Advertisers, suppression of news by, 344.

Advertising, growth of, 334.

Advertising, influence of, on news, 343.

Advertising of news in headlines, 271.

Advertising, questionable, 350.

Advertising manager, 3.

Advertising space, how measured, 265.

Agate line measure for advertisements, 265.

Animal stories, 218.

Art department, 14.

Articles, beginning news stories with, 75.

Assignment book, or sheet, 33, 36.

Assignments, reporters', 32, 36.

Associated Press, 56.

Associated Press, news bulletin of, 12.

Autoplate stereotyping machine, 9, 10.

Bank in composing room, 328.

Bankmen, 328.

Banks in headlines, 274.

Banner heads, 305.

Banquets, reporting, 174.

Baseball games, news stories of, 167.

Beat in publishing news, 31, 51.

Beat, or news run, 31.

Beginnings for news stories, 69, 103, 110, 128, 144.

Beginnings to be avoided, 74.

Body of news story, 88, 132.

Body type, 264.

Boiling down news, 205.

Bold-face type, 264.

Boston Transcript, story from, 184.

Boxed facts in news stories, 86.

Bulletins, news, 34, 57, 261.

Bulletins, news, double leaded, 265.

Bureaus, city news, 32.

Burglaries, news stories of, 110.

Business element in newspaper publishing, growth of, 332.

Business management of newspapers, 2.

Cable editor, 12.

Camera, reporter's use of, 49.

Capital necessary in newspaper publishing, 333.

Cases, type, 264.

Cashier, 3.

Casting box, stereotyping, 9.

Catch-lines in copy, 259, 260.

Chase, 8.

Chicago Tribune, stories from, 82, 83, 214.

Children, news value of, 23.

Children in human interest stories, 213.

Christmas celebrations, 174, 181.

City editors, 5, 32.

City news bureaus, 32.

Collier's Weekly, definitions of news in, 17.

Colored headlines, 273.

Colored news, 343.

Column rules, 8.

Column, width of, 265.

Comics, printing of, 11.

Composing room, 3.

Composing room terms, 328.

Composing stick, 265.

Compositors, 3.

Conventions, reporting, 136.

Copy, 5.

Copy, common errors in, 257.

Copy, essentials of good, 60.

Copy-cutter, 3, 7, 14.

Copy-desk, 5, 13, 258.

Copy-reader, how he works, 258.

Copy-reader, qualifications of, 255.

Copy-reading, 255.

Copy-reading, example of, 267.

Copy-reading, marks used in, 266.

Correspondent, duties of, 54.

Correspondent, instructions to, 57.

Courts as news sources, 30.

Courts, news stories of, 144.

Crime, news stories of, 110.

Crime stories, leads for, 112.