Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/378

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Criminal court news, 30.

Cross-line heads, 276.

Cuts, 5, 338.

Decisions, news stories of, 150.

Decks in headlines, 274.

Defalcations, news stories of, 110.

Department store advertising, 334.

Dispatches, filing of, 57.

Display type, 264.

Drop-line heads, 274, 275.

Editing copy, 255, 266.

Editor, city, 5, 32.

Editor, managing, 5.

Editor, telegraph, 5.

Editorial policy, 4.

Editorials, purpose of, 4.

Editorial writers, 4.

Editor-in-chief, 4.

Editors, news, 5.

Em as type measure, 265.

Embezzlements, news stories of, 110.

End mark in copy, 61, 260.

Engagements, announcements of, 170.

Ethics of journalism, 339, 357.

Exchange editor, 5.

Exchanges, news rewritten from, 206.

Extraordinary events, news value of, 19.

Faces of type, 264.

Fakes, effects of, 354.

Faking news, 353.

Feature articles, style in, 229.

Feature articles, subjects for, 225.

Feature stories, 211.

Features for crime stories, 110.

Features for fire stories, 103.

Features for rewrite stories, 196.

Features, playing up the, 67.

Figures at beginning of sentence, 75.

Figures in headlines, 290.

Filing news despatches, 57.

Filing queries and schedules, 54.

Fillers, 206.

Fire losses, boxed, 86.

Fires, stories of, 101, 106.

Flash, or news bulletin, 35, 261.

Flimsy, guide lines on, 261.

Following up the news, 43, 194.

Follows in copy, 260.

Follow up stories, 194, 201.

Fonts of type, 264.

Football games, stories of, 162.

Forms, page, 8, 329.

Free lance writers, 224.

Fudge printing device, 11.

Function of newspaper, 331.

Future books, editors', 32.

Gaynor, Mayor, news of shooting of, 34.

Government publications, news stories from, 154.

Government publications, special articles from, 225.

Grammatical errors in copy, 257.

Graveyard, obituaries in, 183.

Guide-lines in copy, 259, 261.

Hanging indention in heads, 274, 277.

Headlines, abbreviations in, 288.

Headlines and yellow journalism, 272.

Headlines as advertisements of news, 271.

Headlines, figures in, 290.

Headlines, forms of, 274, 277.

Headlines, function of, 271.

Headlines, impartial and colored, 273.

Headlines, methods of building, 294.

Headlines, punctuation in, 292.

Headlines, style in, 287.

Headlines, tone of, 282.

Headlines, type limits of, 279.

Heads, banner, 305.

Heads, jump-, 304.

Heads, side-, 126.

Heads, sub-, 302.

Hearings, reporting, 145.

Hell-box, 329.

Holidays, stories of celebrations of, 174.

Home edition, 327.

Hotels as news source, 30.

Human interest, news value of, 22.

Human interest stories, 211, 212, 213.

Humorous feature stories, 213.

Illustrations, increase in, 338.

Inaccuracy in news, dangers of, 355.

Independent, articles from the, 12, 34.

Inserts in copy, 61, 260.

Instructions to correspondents, 57.

International News Service, 56.

Interviewing, 44.

Interviews by telephone, 48.

Interviews, form of, 139.

Interviews, groups of, 140.

Interviews in feature articles, 240, 243.

Investigations, news stories of, 145.

Items, news, 206.

Jump-heads, 304.

Justifying forms, 329.