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Komaro and his companion, intimidated by Iruka's prestige, were trying to shirk and did not come forward, cried out "Yā!" and forthwith coming out with Komaro and his companion, fell upon Iruka without warning, and with a sword cut open his head and shoulder. Iruka started up in alarm, when Komaro with a turn of his hand flourished his sword and wounded him on the leg. Iruka rolled over to where the Empress sat, and bowing his head to the ground, said:—"She who occupies the hereditary Dignity is the Child of Heaven. I, Her servant, am conscious of no crime, and beseech Her to deign to make examination into this." The Empress was greatly shocked, and addressed Naka no Ohoye, saying:—"I know not what has been done. What is the meaning of this?" Naka no Ohoye prostrated himself on the earth, and made representation to Her Majesty, saying:—"Kuratsukuri wished to destroy utterly the Celestial House, and to subvert the Solar Dignity. Is Kuratsukuri to be substituted for the Celestial descendants?" The Empress at once got up, and went into the interior of the Palace. Komaro, Saheki no Muraji, and Amida, Waka-inu-kahi no Muraji, slew Iruka no Omi. On this day rain fell, and puddle-water overflowed the Court. They covered Kuratsukuri's body with screens of matting.[1] When Furubito no Ohoye saw this, he (XXIV. 25.) ran into his private palace, and said to his people:—"The Coreans have slain Kuratsukuri no Omi. My heart is sore." Then he went into his sleeping-chamber, shut the door, and would not come out.

Naka no Ohoye presently entered the Temple of Hōkōji, which he fortified and prepared to defend. The Imperial Princes, Ministers, Daibu, Omi, Muraji, Tomo no Miyakko, and Kuni no Miyakko, one and all followed him. Men were sent to deliver the body of Kuratsukuri no Omi to Yemishi no Oho-omi. Hereupon the Aya no Atahe[2] assembled all their clan. Clad in armour and with weapons in their hands, they came to the assistance of the Oho-omi, and formed an army. Naka no Ohoye sent the General Kose no Tokuda[3] no Omi to explain to the rebel band that ever since the creation of Heaven and Earth there were lords and vassals, and to make

  1. Or mats and screens.
  2. See above, XXIV. 21.
  3. Called Tokudai above.