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When strung as pearls,
Are strung on the same string.[1]

2nd month, 22nd day. Pèkché sent Tè-ku Yong-syön and others with tribute.[2]

3rd month, 3rd day. Honjitsu, Kibumi no Miyakko,[3] presented to the Emperor a water-level.

17th day. The province of Hitachi presented as tribute Nakatomibe no Wakako. He was one foot six inches in height, and was born in the year Hinoye Tatsu (656), so that he was in this year sixteen[4] years of age.

Summer, 4th month, 25th day. A clepsydra was placed in the new pavilion, and for the first time the hours were struck, and bells and drums sounded. For the first time the clepsydra (XXVII. 27.) was used. This clepsydra was the one first constructed by the Emperor himself when he was Prince Imperial, etc., etc.[5]

In this month Tsukushi reported that a deer had been born with eight legs, but that it had died immediately.

5th month, 5th day. The Emperor occupied the Little Western Palace. The Prince Imperial and all the Ministers attended on him at a banquet. On this occasion, rustic dances were twice performed before him.

6th month, 4th day. An announcement was made in regard to the military measures requested by the messengers from the three departments of Pèkché.[6]

15th day. Pèkché sent Yé Chin-chă and others to bring tribute.

In this month Prince Kurikuma was made Governor of Tsukushi.

Silla sent Envoys bearing tribute.

  1. The allusion is to the Coreans, who, although foreigners, received the same honours as Japanese. The Tachibana, or orange, was a foreign fruit.
  2. The "Shūkai" editor says that this was a remnant of the Pèkché Ministers.
  3. Of Corean extraction.
  4. According to the Japanese reckoning, which includes both the year of birth and the year to which the reckoning is made. We should say fifteen.
  5. See above, XXVI. 17.
  6. It appears from a passage in the "Tongkam" that in the year 673 some of the Pèkché cities still held out against the Chinese.