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10th day. It stayed the night at Abe.

11th day. It stayed the night at Nabari.

12th day. The Emperor proceeded to the Yamato capital and took up his residence in the Palace of Shima.

15th day. He removed his residence from the Palace of Shima to the Palace of Okamoto.

In this year a Palace was erected south of the Palace of Okamoto, and the Emperor removed his residence thither that same winter. This was called the Palace of Kiyomibara in Asuka.

(XXVIII. 24.) Winter, 11th month, 24th day. Kim Ap-sil and other Silla guests were entertained in Tsukushi. The same day presents were made them, varying in the case of each.

12th month, 4th day. All those who had rendered good service were chosen out, and higher cap-ranks conferred on them, from that of Shōsen upwards, varying according to circumstances.

15th day. A ship was given to the Silla guests.

26th day. Kim Ap-sil and his companions took their departure.

In this month Takami, Wina no Kimi, of Daishi rank, died.