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the Imperial message, so that if it is said that an official of the rank of So-phan should receive the Imperial commands, this would be at variance with former precedent.

Again, when the Emperor who ruled the Empire from the Palace of Afumi[1] died, Kim Sal-yu, of II-kil-son rank, was sent to offer condolence. But now an official of the rank of Keupson offers condolence, which again is contrary to precedent. Moreover Silla has always addressed the Emperor saying:—'Our country, since the reigns of the remote Imperial ancestors of Japan, is a land which does service, never allowing the oars of its ordered ships to become dry.' Yet now but one ship is sent, which is contrary to the ancient rule. And further in addressing the Emperor Silla has said:—'Since the reign of the remote Imperial ancestor of Japan, we have done service with pure hearts.' But you have not been careful to be thoroughly faithful in the performance of the functions originally entrusted to you. You have broken your true faith and have had wilful recourse to arts of flattery. Therefore your tribute and the separate presents are sealed up together and returned to you. However, the generous affection shown to you since the reign of the remote Imperial ancestor of this country will not be discontinued. Be therefore more and more diligent, more and more watchful, and discharge the duties entrusted to you with fear and trembling. The Celestial Court will have a still more generous affection in case the laws are honoured and observed. Do you, Tona and the rest, receive this Imperial message and deliver it to your King."

6th month, 1st day. Garments were presented to the Viceroy of Tsukushi and others.

2nd day. The Imperial Prince Shiki, Sukuna-maro, Sami (XXX. 12.) no Ason, of Jiki-kwō-shi rank, Mugohe, Hata no Ason, Mumakahi, Iyobe no Muraji, of Gon-kwō-shi rank, Okina, Mitsugi no Imiki, Ta-uchi, Ohotomo no Sukune, of Mu-dai-san rank, Tayasu, Kose no Ason, and others were appointed Commissioners for the choice of good words.[2]

29th day. Presents of rice, varying in value in each case,

  1. Tenchi Tennō.
  2. Explained to be the selection of specimens of auspicious language of ancient and modern times to serve as models for addresses to the Empress. This office soon fell into abeyance.