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mountains, and to the hills and rivers, to pray to them for rain.

20th day. Chitoko, Fumi no Imiki, was granted the posthumous rank of Jiki-dai-ichi, and a contribution made towards the expenses of his funeral.

23rd day. Prince Naniha, of Jō-kwō-shi rank, and others were sent to perform a service for the tranquillity of the site of the Palace of Fujihara.

26th day. Envoys were sent to make offerings to the Great Gods of the following four places, viz.: Ise, Yamato, Sumiyoshi, and Kiï, and to announce to them the erection of the new Palace.

Intercalary 5th month, 3rd day. Great floods. Commissioners were sent to visit the districts and provinces, one after another, making loans to those who, having met with disaster, were unable to support themselves, and allowing them to fish and cut wood in the hills and forests, the ponds and marshes.

An Imperial order was given that the Kin-kwō-miō Sutra should be expounded in the capital and in the four Home provinces.

4th day. The Buddhist priest Kwan-sei was given a present of fifteen hiki of coarse silk, thirty bundles of floss silk, and fifty tan of cloth, and he was commended for having made white lead.[1]

(XXX. 27.) 13th day. The Great Gods of Ise addressed the Empress, saying:—"Let the commuted taxes and forced labour for the province of Ise be remitted for this year. That being so, the thirty-five kin of red silk yarn forwarded by the two districts of the Gods should be reduced in value from next year."[2]

15th day. An Imperial order was given to Prince Kahachi, Viceroy of Tsukushi, and the rest, saying:—"Let priests be sent to Ohosumi and Ata to propagate the Buddhist religion." He was further made to send up to the capital the image of Amida, made by the Great Thang Chief Envoy Kuo Wu-

  1. Used as a cosmetic.
  2. The highly respectful character is used for the address of the Gods to the Empress. The interlinear Kana puts the respectful term tamaye in the mouths of the Gods. The districts referred to are Take and Watarahi.