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Speedily go down to the districts (in question) and make known to them Our behests."

Autumn, 7th month. Mononobe no Arakahi no Ohomuraji died.

This year was the year Hinoye Tatsu (53rd) of the Cycle.

A.D. 537.2nd year, Winter, 10th month, 1st day. By reason of Silla's hostility towards Imna, the Emperor commanded Ohotomo no (XVIII. 13.) Kanamura no Ohomuraji to send his sons Iha and Sadehiko to the assistance of Imna. At this time Iha staid in Tsukushi, where he took charge of the local Government, and made preparations against the three Han.[1] Sadehiko went to Imna and restored peace there. He also lent aid to Pèkché.

A.D. 539.4th year, Spring, 2nd month, 10th day. The Emperor died in the Palace of Ihorino in Hinokuma at the age of seventy-three.

Winter, 11th month, 17th day. The Emperor was buried in the misasagi at the top of the acclivity of Tsukijima, in Musa, in the province of Yamato.

There were buried with him in the same misasagi the Empress, viz. the Imperial Princess Tachibana and her infant child.[2]

There is no mention in the records of the year of the Empress's death. Probably the infant child had died before reaching manhood.

  1. i.e. Silla, Pèkché, and Koryö.
  2. In Japanese wakugo. This word is also found as a proper name, which would account for the strange remark of the "Original Commentary."