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  1. Bow and arrows, I. 34, 37, 139, 247, etc.
  2. Box for petitions, II. 211.
  3. Bramblings (bird), II. 339, 349.
  4. Branding of criminals, etc., I. 305, 307, 359.
  5. Bronze, II. 415.
  6. Buddhism, I. 219; II. 59, 65, 66, 68, 72, 78, 90, 96, 101, and frequently during the remainder of Vol. II. See also Hōshi, Image, Kesa, Nuns, Shamon, Sutra, Sōdzu, Kwannon, Temples, Retreat.
  7. Buffalo, II. 297.
  8. Butsudan, II. 369.
  9. Calendar, Introduction xvii.; II. 68, 72, 126, 400.
  10. Camel, II. 124, 146, 252.
  11. Cap-rank, II. 127, 228, 231, 281, 370. See also Rank.
  12. Cash, II. 34, 414.
  13. Castles, building of, II. 283, et seqq., 286.
  14. Cattle-breeding, II. 32.
  15. Caterpillar, worship of, II. 188, et seqq.
  16. Celestial dog, II. 167.
  17. Censorate, II. 294.
  18. Ceremonies, court, II. 227, 357, 398, etc.
  19. Chair, II. 102.
  20. Chaos, I. 1.
  21. Charms, I. 94; II. 82, 373. See also Incantation, Mantras.
  22. Chésyang, I. 243.
  23. Chhimnyu (King), I. 253.
  24. Chi or chichi, I. 4, 264.
  25. Chigi, I. 132.
  26. Childbirth, superstitions connected with, I. 85, 98, 103, 104.
  27. China, relations with, Introduction xi.; II. 138. See Thang, Wu, Tsin, Han.
  28. Chinese civilization, spread of, II. 133.
  29. Chinese customs, I. 311.
  30. Chinese learning, first introduction of, I. 262.
  31. Chiuai Tennō, I. 217–223.
  32. Chō (land measure), II. 208.
  33. Chopstick, I. 159.
  34. Chōshushi, II. 213, 225.
  35. Chronology, Introduction xvi.; I. 111, 132, 141, 153, 165, 177, 205, 247, 256, 262, 293, 300, 307, 330, 332, 346, 366; II. 25, 37. See also Calendar, Nengo.
  36. Circumambulation, II. 259.
  37. Clapping hands by way of respect, II. 395.
  38. Clay figures at tombs, I. 181, 357.
  39. Clay-workers, I. 180, 356. See also Hashi.
  40. Clepsydra, II. 265, 296.
  41. Cloth, I. 44; II. 180, 208.
  42. Cloud-chariot, II. 275.
  43. Cock, I. 42; II. 425.
  44. Cock-fighting, I. 348.
  45. Coin, I. 391; II. 304. See also Copper, Currency.
  46. Combs, superstitions regarding, I. 24, 25, 47, 48, 52, 96, 98; II. 425.
  47. Comets, II. 166, 167, 169, 333, 353, 364, 367.
  48. Compass (mariner's), II. 258, 285.
  49. Concubines (Imperial), I. 311, etc.
  50. Confiscation, I. 293; II. 83.
  51. Confucius, II. 129.
  52. Consecration (of Buddhist images), II. 297, 423.
  53. Conundrums, II. 374, 375.
  54. Copper, I. 20, 47, 120, 220, 221, 328, 350, 355; II. 65, 86, 133, 360, 387, 415.
  55. Corea, Introduction xi. See Han, Imna, Kara, Koryö, Pèkché, Silla.
  56. Corean deities worshipped in Japan, I. 11, 169, 225, 378.
  57. Corean names, Introduction xxii.; I. 244.
  58. Cormorant-fishing, I. 119, 126, 341.
  59. Cosmogony, I. 2, et seqq.
  60. Costume, II. 18, 304, 307, 397, 410.
  61. Court, II. 138.
  62. Cremation, II. 423.
  63. Crow, three-legged. See Yatagarasu.
  64. Currency, I. 89, 391; II. 34, 222, 360, 372, 414.
  65. Curses, I. 249, 337, 403; II. 102.
  66. Cycle, Chinese, I. 111.
  67. Daibu, I. 175; II. 98.
  68. Daijin, I. 334; II. 196.
  69. Daijinnō, II. 114.
  70. Daijōye, I. 86.
  71. Daikoku, I. 55, 63.
  72. Dainagon, II. 347.
  73. Dai Nippon, II. 279.
  74. Dajōdaijin, II. 294.
  75. Dakiu, II. 185.
  76. Dancing (religious), I. 44, 79; (other), 318, 381, 382, etc.
  77. Dazaifu, II. 139.
  78. Debts discharged, II. 378, 385.
  79. Deer, cry of, I. 289.
  80. Deer, dream of, I. 290.
  81. Deification of Emperors, II. 226, 227. See also Incarnation.
  82. Departments of State, II. 232.
  83. Distribution of lands to peasants. See Kōbunden.
  84. Divination, I. 83, 107, 121, 152, 153, 176, 177, 178, 189, 195, 227, 228, 229, 237, 281, 290, 307, 324, 355; II. 59, 68, 72, 95, 102, 257, 306. See also Omens.
  85. Divorce, I. 25, 30.
  86. Dog-keepers, II. 32.
  87. Dog stories, II. 116, 117.
  88. Dragon, II. 240, 248.
  89. Dragon-fly, I. 134, 342.
  90. Dragon-king, I. 61, 95.
  91. Dreams, I. 115, 152, 155, 161, 165, 290; II. 36.
  92. Dwarf-god. See Sukuna-bikona.
  93. Dwarfs, II. 296.