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  1. Earth-goddess, birth of, I. 21, 22.
  2. Earthquakes, I. 317; II. 124, 176, 282, 330, 336, 339, 343, 344, 348, 351, 353, 354, 356, 357, 365, 373, 375, 384.
  3. Eclipses, II. 155, 167, 168, 179, 348, 349, 353, 404, 411, 413, 414, 417, 420.
  4. Edicts, II. 82, et passim.
  5. Eight, significance of this number, I. 52; II. 143.
  6. Eight-island-land, I. 16; II. 10.
  7. Embroidery, II. 133.
  8. Empress Dowager, I. 140.
  9. Enclosure for Shinto worship, I. 82, 134.
  10. Eta, I. 338.
  11. Eternal Land. See Tokoyo.
  12. Ethnology, I. 109, 212; II. 38, 123. See also Immigration, Koma, Kumaso, Tsuchigumo, Yemishi.
  13. Eunsol (Corean title), II. 20, 98.
  14. Expiation. See Purgation.
  15. Falcon (for hunting), I. 291, 294; II. 239.
  16. Family relations. See Marriage, Incest, Harakara.
  17. Famine, I. 87; II. 155, 167.
  18. Fasts, II. 402. See also Abstinence.
  19. Festivals. See Shinjōsai, Nihiname, Ahimbe.
  20. Fetish. See Caterpillar, Stone-worship.
  21. Feudalism, I. 192, 267; II. 197, 206, 401, etc.
  22. Fine. See Purgation.
  23. Fire, ordeal by, I. 89.
  24. Fire-drill, I. 205.
  25. Fire-god, I. 21, 28, 29, 122.
  26. Firewood presented to Emperor, II. 326, 330, etc.
  27. Firmament, I. 291.
  28. Fish-hooks (of iron), I. 92.
  29. Five grains, I. 21, 278.
  30. Flute, II. 11, 24.
  31. Folk-lore, I. 307.
  32. Food-goddess, I. 22, 32, 122.
  33. Football, II. 185.
  34. Forced labour, I. 278, et passim.
  35. Four Heavenly Kings, II. 114, 115.
  36. Fujihara family, II. 291.
  37. Fumibito or Fubito (stribes), Introduction xii.; I. 263; II. 91.
  38. Funeral ceremonies, I. 66, 67, 326; II. 24, 104, 143, 173, 177, 232, 274, 303, 360, 380, 388.
  39. Funeral sacrifices, I. 178.
  40. Funado no Kami, I. 25.
  41. Furubito (Prince). See Yoshino.
  42. Futodama no Mikoto, I. 82, etc.
  43. Futsu-nushi no Kami, I. 23, 67.
  44. Gags, II. 313.
  45. Gambling, II. 371.
  46. Games. See Suguroku, Dakiu.
  47. Garlic as a charm against evil spirits, I. 208.
  48. Genealogy of the Gods, I. 4–10.
  49. Geomancy, II. 76, 126, 387.
  50. Giōgi-yaki (pottery), I. 121.
  51. Go (part of China), I. 269. See also Wu.
  52. Godzu Tennō, I 19.
  53. Gohei, I. 44. See Offerings.
  54. Gokinai, I. 135, 159, 215, 228; II. 207, 407.
  55. Gold, II. 34, 65, 86, 134, 149, 172, etc.
  56. Gold-copper, II. 391, 393.
  57. Governors of provinces, II. 131, 200, etc.
  58. Grain, origin of, I. 21.
  59. Granaries (official), I. 214, 282. See Miyake.
  60. Great Abstinence Deity. See Oho-imi.
  61. Hachiman, I. 271.
  62. Hachi-ōji (eight Princes), I. 36.
  63. Hada (noble House), I. 265, 364; II. 39.
  64. Hades. See Yomi, Ne no Kuni.
  65. Hafuri (Shinto priests), I. 56, 129, 307; II. 39, 82, 174, 428.
  66. Hair ornaments (sign of rank), II. 128, 138, 142, 230.
  67. Haka (tomb), I. 159. See Tomb.
  68. Hakama (prisoner in China), II. 400.
  69. Hakase (doctor), II. 197.
  70. Hakuchi, year-period of, II. 236.
  71. Han (Corea), I. 58, 232, 242, 254, 257, 263, 273, 349; II. 35, 38.
  72. Han (China), I. 265, 270; II. 118.
  73. Hand-mill, I. 189; II. 140.
  74. Hangwan (officials), II. 200.
  75. Hanishi, I. 356. See Hashi no Muraji.
  76. Haniwa, I. 181.
  77. Hanzei Tennō, I. 310.
  78. Harahe, I. 49; II. 221, 333, 338. See Purgation, Oho-harahe.
  79. Harakara, I. 143, 322, 323.
  80. Hashi no Muraji, I. 36, 181, 365; II. 126.
  81. Hashira, I. 3.
  82. Hatahi (Princess). I. 330.
  83. Hatsuse (Prince), II. 161.
  84. Hayabusa wake (Prince), I. 390, et seqq.
  85. Hayato (palace guards), I. 100, 305, 375, 377; II. 38, 249, 356, 390, 418, 426.
  86. Hawking. See Falcon.
  87. Herbalists, II. 72.
  88. Herb-gathering, II. 141, 143, 145, 288.
  89. Herb of long life, II. 186, 344.
  90. Hi, land of, I. 191. 198.
  91. Hiki (piece of cloth), II. 209.
  92. Hime (lady), frequently in names of princesses, etc.
  93. Hire (scarf), II. 355.
  94. Hiuga, I. 196.
  95. Home provinces. See Gokinai.
  96. Hōshi (priestly title), II. 118, 197.
  97. Hostages, II. 196, 226.
  98. Hōto, II. 153, 203.
  99. House (noble), I. 316.
  100. Hsüan-ts‘ang, II. 254.