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helmets, and appeared full of some great thought.

“Hacon heard their discourse: Why, said he to one of them? why hast thou thus disposed of the battle? Were we not worthy to have obtained from the Gods a more perfect victory? It is we, she replied, who have given it to thee: it is we who have put thine enemies to flight.

“Now, proceeded she, let us urge forward our horses across those green and verdant worlds, which are the residence of the Gods. Let us go tell Odin that the king is coming to visit him in his palace.

“When the father of the Gods hears this news, he says, Hermode and Brago, my sons, go to meet the king: A king admired by all men for his valour, now approacheth to our hall.

“At length king Hacon approaches, and, arriving from the battle, is still all besprinkled and running down with blood. At the sight of Odin he cries out, Ah! How severe and terrible doth this God appear to me!