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“The God Brago replies; Come thou, that wast the terror of the most illustrious warriors: Come hither, and re-join thine eight brethren: the heroes who reside here shall cultivate peace with thee. Go drink Ale therefore in the full circle of the Gods.

“But this brave king cries out: I will still retain my arms: a hero ought carefully to preserve his mail and helmet: it is dangerous to be a moment without the sword[1] in one’s hand.

“Then was fully seen how religiously this king had sacrificed ever to the Gods: since the great celestial council and all the inferior Gods, received him among them with respectful salutations.

“Happy is the day on which that king is born, who thus gains to himself such favour from the Gods. The age in which he hath lived shall remain among men in happy remembrance.

“The wolf Fenris shall burst his fetters, and dart with rage upon his enemies, before so good a king shall again appear

  1. Or lance.