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let all prepare for the clash of swords.” The whole country was unpeopled by the assembling of the warriors; who ardently thirsted after battle, that by a speedy vengeance they might give comfort to ‘the shade of’ Hialmar. The rendezvous being fixed, multitudes repaired thither from every quarter. The most distinguished warriors were covered with entire coats of mail, and their gilded arms cast a resplendent gleam around them.

Harec having distributed to others suits of armour of the hardest steel, helmets and cuirasses, swords and darts and shields, put himself at the head of this resolute band; and led them forth to war. They immediately embarked, and full of courage, set sail, ranging their bucklers, which reflected rays of light, along the sides of their vessels. Their sails were composed of a fine stuff, bordered with blue and scarlet. Harec exhorted them to revenge, and inspired them with intrepid resolution by his warlike discourses. The soldiers seconding his wishes, hoist and spread their fails with a generous emulation to outdo each other. The billows resound before the prows of the ships as they press forward; the wind redoubles its force; the sea foams and swells; and the white waves dash against the sides of the vessels. They scud along