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as swift as the lightning; and the mermaids with difficulty follow them, in order to feast on the pitch with which their keels are besmeared. At length the Biarmian Heroes reach the Swedish coast: they cast anchor and moor in the bottom of the haven. Their cables are hove down, and lie floating from their sides. They soon gain the shore in their light shallops; and presently cover themselves with their helmets. Harec again invites them to vengeance, and commands them to lay waste the land with fire and sword. His orders are obeyed; the ravage begins: the flames spread over the country, and the inhabitants lose at once their glory and their lives. Sweden becomes one continued stream of fire. Its Heroes are laid low. Nothing is heard but the resounding of the shrill clarion: nothing is seen but heads dissevered by the deep-cutting sword. At length count Eric is apprised that war desolates the dominions of his king. That Hero instantly girds on his sword, to put a stop to these dreadful ravages. He collects together both the free-men and the slaves throughout the kingdom. Soon was this valiant troop in arms: this troop, among whom so many were destined to lose their lives. The two armies joined battle; the swords were blunted on the helmets and