Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/37

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Bibliography :

Mildew in books, its treatment, xii. 387, 436 Miller (George and James), xii. 1, 42, 374 Milton (John), i. 407 ; iii. 68, 133 ; vi.

386, 445, 475 Missirini (Meechiore), ' Life of Bartolozzi,'

i. 289

Moliere in verse, ii. 448, 516 ; iii. 55 Montaigne, Webster, Marstou, and Donne, vi.

22, 122, 242

Moser (Joseph), his ' Vestiges,' iii. 128, 195 Mottley (John), dramatist, i. 367 Name origins, i. 329 Nash (David William), ix. 372 Nelson (Lord), in fiction, iii. 26, 77, 116,

294 ; in poetry, iv. 186, 329 Nonjuring, viii. 229, 277, 297, 414 Noorthouck (John), xi. 301 Norden (John), ' Speculum Britanniae,' iv.

12, 75, 193 Nottingham, ix. 205

  • Nugae Antiques,' xi. 161

Numismatic, iv. 288, 375

Omar Khayyam, ii. 322, 398 ; iv. 105, 249 ; x. 307, 391 ; xi. 54

  • Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire,'

x. 224

Ossian, vi. 287, 336

4 Oxford English Dictionary,' i. 146, 193, 255 Palaeontology, vi. 229, 291 Pall-mall, the game, ix. 250, 310 Parkins (Dr. John) of Little Gonerby, i. 15, 51 Peacock (Thomas Love), viii. 2 ; ix. 221, 331 ;

xi. 43, 224 Pechey (John), his ' Compleat Herbal, viii.


Peck (William), i. 348, 434, 513 Peignot (Gabriel), iv. 521 Penn (William), ' Fruits of Solitude,' i. 190,


Pennecuik (Alexander), i. 513 Penny wares, iii. 16

4 Percy Folio ' in the " King's Library," v. 468 Philately, ii. 38 Phillipps (Sir Thomas), iii. 462 4 Philobiblion,' 1861, ix. 9, 92, 173 Place-names, their etymology, xi. 288, 398,


Platea (Franciscus de), iii. 108 Plays of eighteenth century and earlier, iii. 48

  • Plumpton Correspondence,' errors in, i. 466

Political squibs, c. 1816-26, viii. 485, 516 Poll-books, vii. 349, 415

Priests, marriage of, 1549 and 1556, x. 475 Publishers' catalogues, ii. 50, 118, 357, 455,

518 Publishing and bookselling, i. 81, 142, 184,

242, 304, 342 ; ii. 11 ; v. 361, 476 Pulpit, viii. 469 Punctuation in MSS. and books, iv. 144, 262 ;

v. 502 ; viii. 222 Raleigh (Sir W.), his ' Historic of the World,'

iii. 127, 194, 274, 317 Raynsford (Capt.-Lieut. John), ' The Yong

Souldier,' i. 428, 477, 512 Reeve (Clara), viii. 166, 294 Restoration plays, xii. 429 Richter (Jean Paul), x. 161, 254, 293 Roads, ix. 249, 295 Rockall, ii. 47

Rosamond (Fair), xii. 209, 298, 452 Rossetti (D. G.), ii. 464 ; viii. 351, 393, 454

Bibliography :

Runeberg, ii. 9, 93

Rutland (John or Gaspar ? ) ' Loci Com- munes,' ii. 189

Samplers, viii. 428, 497

Sarpi (Father Paul), i. 408 ; iii. 44, 84, 144, 232

Scaliger (J. C.), ii. 325

' Scots Peerage,' i. 404

Scott (Alexander), his ' Rondel of Luve, iv. 109

Scott (Sir Walter), vi. 65, 114

Sergeant (John), viii. 447

Seventeenth-century MSS., ix. 201. See also Catalogues.

Shadow shows, ix. 267 ; x. 257

Shadwell (Thomas), his ' Bury Fair,' i. 221

Shakespeare (W.), ' Venus and Adonis,' i. 310 ; his books, 465 ; ii. 464 ; poems on, ii. 18 ; edited by Scott, vii. 428 ; Third Folio, ix. 241, 315 ; Second Folio, xi. 366

Shaw (Dr. W. A.), ' Knights of England,' vi. 1 72

Sheffield plate, v. 27, 92, 214

Shelley (Percy Bysshe), ii. 268 ; x. 224

Sheridan (R. B.), his ' Critic,' iii. 345

Shilleto's edition of Burton's ' Anatomy.' See Burton.

Shorthouse (J. H.), ' John Inglesant,' i. 289, 357

Sicily, i. 128

Siege literature, vi. 409

' Sketches of the West Indies,' viii. 231

Southey's ' Omniana,' 1812, ii. 305, 410, 530 ; iii. 92

Spenser (E.), his ' Epithalamion,' iii. 246, 412, 474

Stamp collecting, i. 322

Stanley (Dean), his poem ' The Gipsies,' iv. 67

' Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West,' iv. 132

Stephen (Sir Leslie), ' English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century,' i. 288, 357

Stepney (George), vii. 8

Stevenson (R. L.j, v. 107

Stowe's * Survey,' ii. 341

Stukeley (Sir Lewis), his ' Petition,' iii. 428

Swift (Dean), viii. 231, 277

Tacitus, trans, by Greenwey and Savile, iii. 488

Taylor (Jeremy), ' Holy Living,' i. 406

Teedon (Samuel), his diary, i. 473

Tennyson (Alfred), vii. 89, 159, 197 ; con- cordances, xi. 261, 353, 513 ; additions to Mr. Wise's ' Bibliography,' 322

Tennyson (Frederick), vii. 89, 159, 197

Terry's ' Voyage to East India,' 1655, iv. 347

Thackeray (T. J. and W. M.), iii. 22, 73, 131, 151, 196, 275

Theses, xii. 27

Thomas (Ralph), his ' Swimming,' ii. 382

Thumb Bible, by John Taylor, ix. 366

' Topographia Antiques Romae,' ii. 226

' Town and Country Magazine,' iv. 241, 342, 462, 522

' Tracts for the Times,' ii. 347, 398, 452, 492

Travelling in England, 1600-1700, v. 348, 414, 433, 455, 492

Travers (Henry), his' ' Miscellaneous Poems and Translations,' iii. 346, 416

Tregortha (John), ii. 393

'True Perfection of Cuttwoorkes,' ii. 149