Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/38

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Bibliography :

Tusser (Thomas), * Husbandry,' 1848 ed.,

ix. 169

Valentine (Roberto), ii. 27 Vans (John), iv. 248 Virgil, '^neid,' I. 462, vi. 5, 110, 191 Vossius (Isaac), ii. 361 Vulgate, its translations, vii. 126 Walpole (Horace), iv. 158 Warden (David Bailie), iii. 309 Warner (R.), his ' Antiquitates Culinariae,'

viii. 431 Webster (J.) and Sir P. Sidney, ii. 221, 261,

342, 381 Wieland (C. M.), his ' Agathon,' viii. 368,


Wild (Jonathan), xi. 347, 435 Wilde (Oscar), iv. 168, 233, 266 ; v. 12, 133, 176, 238, 313, 355 ; vi. 296 ; vii. 13 ; xi. 254 Willis (Edmond), his ' Abreuiation of Writing

by Character,' iii. 328, 375 Winchilsea (Lady), her ' Progress of Life,'

viii. 401

Witchcraft, ii. 323 ; xi. 386, 491 Wotton (Sir Henry), ii. 326, 371, 476 Wyatt (Sir T.), " Lo I what it is," iv. 70, 109 Yachting, iv. 108, 156 Zornlin, iii. 402

Bibliopegus, use of the word, viii. 405 Biblos on German leather bindings, x. 369 Bice in Dante's sonnet, iv. 207, 277 Bickerton (Henry), Westminster scholar, 1739,

x. 148

Bickerton or de Bickerton family, xi. 189 Bickford-Smith (R. A. H.) on authors wanted, ix.

229 Bidaxe, a farm tool, its derivation, viii. 251 ;

ix. 94 Biddenden Maids, their history and bequests,

i. 324, 391 ; ii. 15

Bidding prayer, at Oxford University, iii. 168, 233 ; form of, vi. 448 ; vii. 32, 70, 92, 277 ; and King Edward VI., viii. 295 Biddy, derivation of the word, i. 272, 431 Bideford Freeman Roll, its discovery, ii. 325 Bier-right, its history, xii. 87, 137 Bigg (John), the Dinton hermit, ii. 526 ; iii. 285,

336, 376, 435

Biggs (H. V. ) on Biggs or Bygges family, ii. 346 Biggs or Bygges family of Worcestershire, ii. 346 Bijou, brazen, kitchen utensil, i. 369, 455 Bilbocatch, the game, ix. 68 Bilford, painter, c. 1611, ii. 508 Bilker, use of the word in 1717, xi. 166 Billesdon (G. C.) on comets, xii. 56 Billiards, Herbert Spencer on, i. 48, 113 Billieul (F.), engraver of calligraphy, x. 168 Billingsgate, " Salutation " Tavern, its history,

vii. 429, 510 ; viii. 52 Billingsley (N.) and ' History of St. Athanasius,'

ii. 167 Billson (C. J.) on amulet found in Roman urn,

ix. 332. Piper's Hole, ix. 378 Bill Stumps, his mark, suggested Paris origin,

vii. 489 ; viii. 95, 252 Billycock hat, origin of the name, vi. 40 ; ix.

27, 93

Bilson (J.) on a French cloister in England, i. 207 Bingley (Col. A. H.) on Bingleys of Notts, viii. 68. Gregory : Allen : Hampden, viii. 249. Nonjurors : Rev. Benjamin Way, viii. 229

Bingley family of Notts, viii. 68 Bindings, German leather, x. 369 Biographies, French anonymous, 1866, x. 128 Birch (Dr.), letter from Walpole, Baron of Wolfer-

ton, 1745, v. 133, 173 Birch (H.) on Birch, Burch, or Byrch families, i.

328 Birch (J. B.) on Bentley Priory, Stanmore, xiu

487. Dole cupboards, vii. 137. Hollicke or

Holleck, Middlesex, iii. 436 ; iv. 36. Natural- ization, vi. 230. Roman Catholic priests

buried in London, vi. 218. Stubbs : Reynolds,

&c., v. 328. Tottenham and Stoke Newington

parish registers, iii. 226 Birch (W. de Gray), place-names in ' Cartularium

Saxonicum,' vii. 185, 287, 466 ; viii. 204 Birch, Burch, or Byrch families, i. 328, 417 Birch on Whitsunday at Stoke-on-Trent, iv. 87 Bircham (8.) on ' A Medley Finale to the Great

Exhibition,' v. 64 " Birch's " in Cornhill, its redecoration, vii. 366 ;

viii. 216 Birch-sap wine, its manufacture, i. 18, 98 ; vii.


Bird (Elizabeth)= John Caley, 1797, v. 388 Bird (Francis), his statue of Queen Anne, viii, 271 Bird (John), Suffragan Bishop of Pentruth, 1527-

1539, i. 29, 97, 156, 275, 354 Bird (Bishop John), his biography, iv. 200 Bird : umber bird, meaning of the word, viii.

230, 353

Birdcage falling and ill-luck, vii. 105 Bird -catching, charming-bells for, x. 48, 94 Bird's claw in demonology, vi. 366, 518 Birds, as architects, ix. 66 ; as weather prophets,

210, 293

Birds, regal, for lord of the manor, vi. 166 Birds' eggs, their collecting, i. 327, 372, 453 ;

in Spanish churches, vi. 206 Birds of East Finmark, their native names, v. 6 Birdwood (Sir G.) on " Hickry pikry," vi. 330 Birkbeck (Dr. ), portraits of, ix. 488 Birkbeck (M. ) on calendar rimes, ix. 50 Birkbeck (R.) on "Master Pipe Maker," xi. 10.

Miniature of Isaac Newton, i. 248, 414 Birkenhead, last survivor of the crew, ix. 268 Birkenhead, place-rime, xi. 145 Birkenhead on lines attributed to Wordsworth,

i. 448 Birkett (James), James Burton, and St. Leonards,

xii. 285 Birmingham, introduction

1716, ix. 13 Birmingham and London

carriages on, viii. 167, 234,

ix. 72 Birnbaum (S.) on Ariel, v. 415. Brougham

Castle, iv. 229. Dobson (W. C. T.), R.A., v.

369. Hastings (Warren) sale, vi. 268. Mar- garet of Austria, vi. 357. Smith (Catterton),

v. 517

Biron (Charles, Duke of), his birthplace, viii. 49 Biron-Byron controversy, ii. 50 Birrell (Augustine), his essay on Milton, viii. 22,

376 Birrell ( ), his engraving of Dorchester, xii.

89, 136 Birth, determination of sex before, ii. 235, 313 ;

at sea in 1805, ii. 448, 512 ; iii. 13 Birth announcements, new form, x. 266 Birth of children and the B.V.M., viii. 36 Birth with teeth, Japanese instance, x. 453 Birthdates of English authors, vi. 228, 293

of printing into,

Railway, unroofed 292, 357, 414, 473 ;