Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/80

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Costen family and Causton field-name, xii. 327,

394 Cosway (R.), his engraving of Mrs. Harding, vii.


Cots, heirloom, i. 207 Cotswold games at Whitsuntide, vii. 361, 402, 511 ;

ix. 146 Cottage-building between sunrise and sunset, vi.

475 Cotter (Sir James) and the murder of Lord Lisle,

iii. 167, 212, 315

Cotteswold, Italian references to, 1315, x. 325, 398 Cottiswold in ' Marmion,' its locality, i. 334 Cotton (Berisford), his marriage, c. 1680, ix. 306 Cotton (H. E. A.) on 'Hartly House, Calcutta,'

ix. 110 Cotton (John) of Boston and Henden of Kent,

viii. 190

Cotton (Julian) on Paolo Avitabile, i. 188. Stephenson (Governor), ii. 492. Theatre-build- ing, ii. 432

Cotton (J. J.) on Major-General Eyres, ii. 38 Cotton (Sergeant-Major), his Waterloo Museum,

xii. 141, 210, 512

Cotton family of Warbleton, Hants, xi. 382 Cottrill (C. A. W.) on Vescalion, iv. 28 Cottyngham will, ii. 88 Couch (Sir Richard), d. 1904, his burial-place, ix.


Cough, churchyard, gout in the throat, vii. 7, 156 Coulson ( John) = Anna Catherina Lane, ii. 269 Council Chamber, Guildhall, its demolition, x. 101 Councils, metropolitan municipal in 1855, iv. 306 Countess, English, at Tunbridge Wells, xii. 368 Counties, topographical collections for, iii. 286 ; manor identification in divers, x. 48, 254 ; detached parts of, 428

Counting bringing ill-luck, ix. 108 ; x. 137 Counting-out rimes in Orkney, xi. 446 Countries, their floral emblems, v. 509 ; vi. 52 Country Captain, the term, vi. 288, 330, 352 County Borough, use of the term, xii. 225 County divisions, x. 368 County heraldry, x. 348 " County of Cornwall and nowhere," on Robartes

monument, Truro, vi. 490 ; vii. 194 County royal descents, ix. 148 County tales, i. 505 ; ii. Ill Coup de Jarnac, meaning of the phrase, xii. 245 Courbillon or Gourbillon family, ii. 408 Court dress, ii. 107, 131

Court for actors at Chester, c. 1477, xii. 267 Court Leet in Portland, Dorset, viii. 148 ; ix. 491 Court Leet: Manor Court, survivals, vii. 327, 377 ;

viii. 16, 93, 334, 413

Court of Reception, use of the term, iv. 466 Court of Requests, business transacted in, xii. 208,

257, 272

Court of Session, Scotland, its history, viii. 41 Court of the Four Burghs of Scotland, iii. 401, 443 Court posts under Stuart kings, i. 107, 173, 198 Court Roll, temp. Henry VII., terms in, vii. 249,

317, 515.

Court Rolls, Norwich Calendar of, iv. 489 ; v. 13 ; of Westhope, Salop, v. 269 ; Manor of Wynd- rynge, vi. 408, 472 ; Stepney, c. 1617, vii. 127 Courteenhall Church, epitaph in, vi. 346, 415 Courtenay (G. H.) on Campbell, x. 278. Caroline as a masculine name, x. 450. Catskin earls, i. 226. Cromwell (Oliver), his head, xi. 349. Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, x. 190 i

Courtenay (John), politician, 1738-1816, ix. 313 Courtenay family, i. 389

Courtesy titles and remarriage, vi. 209, 374, 472 ; vii. 18

Courtney (C.) on Wilberforce and Huxley, x. 335

Courtney (R. A.) on wheel crosses, vii. 389

Courtney (W. P.) on Addison and death, xii. 346. Amory (Thomas), iii. 326. Anonymous works, ix. 405. Armstrong gun, i. 436. Cannizaro (Duchess of), iv. 316. Children's carols and lullabies, i. 56. Churchwardens' accounts, i. 70. " Clayton Arms," ix. 178. Collins (Wil- liam), R.A., ii. 405. Collins (William), the poet, x. 186. Cotton ( Sergeant-Major), xii. 141. Cricket, ii. 394. ' Diary of an Invalid,' vi. 73. Dodington (George Bubb), xii. 461, 504. Dodsley's collection of poetry, vi. 361, 402 ? vii. 3, 82, 284, 404, 442 ; viii. 124, 183, 384, 442 J ix. 3, 184, 323, 463 ; x. 103, 243, 305, 403 ; xi. 62, 143, 323 ; xii. 63. Gray's ' Elegy,' v. 511. Farmers of Aylesbury and Straits of Malacca* xi. 470. Gaol literature, xi. 510. Gray (Stephen), F.R.S., vi. 161, 354. Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), i. 433. Hill (Benson Earle),iii. 162. Hinds (Dr. Samuel), i. 415. Hobbes (T.), ii. 485. Inscriptions at Florence, x. 223. Jowett, epigram on his " little garden," vi. 46. Kent, East Indiaman, x. 477. Law (John), of Lauris- ton, vii. 233. Longley (John), 1749-1822, iv. 61. Masters (Mary), iii. 404. Medicinal waters, viii. 272. M.P.'s unidentified : Henry Rose- warne, xii. 314. ' Moser's Vestiges,' iii. 128. ' My Cousin's Tale of a Cock and a Bull,' iii. 334. Penhallow (John), v. 76. Petre epigram, xii. 411. Rich (Anthony), iv. 461. Rogers (Dr. George) and Padua University, vii. 503. Seward (Thomas), vii. 122. Sheridan (Tom), iii. 188. ' Short Whist,' by Major A., xii. 357. " Silly Billy," i. 232. Stubbes (George), xii. 304. Travers (Henry), iii. 346. Wilde (Oscar), bibliography, v. 133

Courvoisier, executed for murder in 1840, viii. 408, 450

Cousins, their marriages, v. 300

Coustou (Nicholas, Guillaume, and Guillaume le fils), French sculptors, vii. 190, 211, 251, 277, 352, 376

Coutances, Winchester, and the Channel Islands, ii. 68, 154, 231 ; iii. 134

Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, ii. 125, 232, 293

Couvray (Louvet de), his ' Faublas,' vi. 390

Cove o' Kend, Walney Island, its etymologv, i. 387, 492

Covenanters, their motto, xi. 470

Coventry (John Eyre), his biography, x. 288

Coventry (Lady), minuet named after, v. 307, 355, 518 ; vi. 75 ; mobbed in the Mall, 1759, ix. 47, 78

Coventry and Lichfield, Nicholas, Bishop of, iii. 328, 375

Coventry worsted weavers, ii. 347

Covesea caves, Morayshire, manger or trough in, viii. 368

Cowdray, Sussex, drawings by F. Nash, ix. 450

Cowdray family, ix. 370, 456

Cowhouse Manor, Middlesex, its identity, xii. 168, 233

Cowley (Abraham), ' A Vote,' ii. 434 ; ode on " the matchless Orinda," 506

Cowley (Hannah), her burial-place, xi. 269

Cowley (Richard), actor, witnesses to his will, vi. 369, 456, 517

Cowley Fathers' house at Westminster, error on, ix. 168

Cowper (Benjamin Harris), his death, ii. 60