Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/81

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Cowper (Joseph Meadows), his death, x. 340

Cowper (Spencer), Justice of the Common Pleas, xi. 308, 377

Cowper (W. ) on hockey in 1785, i. 385 ; unpub- lished letters, ii. 1, 42, 82, 122, 162, 203, 242 ; best biography, 149, 235 ; " most moving first line in English poetry," iii. 128 ; and Voltaire, parallel passage, iv. 465 ; supposed hoax by Cowper, Lamb, or Hood, vi. 490 ; vii. 11 ; John Gilpin, and his original, vii. 407, 516 ; misprint in ' Immortal Memory of the Halibut,' xi. 506 ; xii. 77 ; pronunciation of his name, xii. 265, 335, 372, 432, 516 ; and the Rev. Mr. Van Lier, 347 ; bibliography, 508

Cows : "II parle francais comme une vache espagnole," ii. 173 ; stripping cows, term explained, xii. 409, 476

Cox (Sir E. C.) on Rev. William Cox, xi. 127

Cox (H. T. ) on Canning portraits, ix. 448. " False- hood of Extremes," xi. 189

Cox (J. C.) on Bulgewarium, ix. 88

Cox (Leonard), ' D.N.B.' on, ii. 65 ; life in Hungary, c. 1520, vi. 107 ; vii. 266

Cox (Mr.) and Orange pippins, vii. 508 ; viii. 32

Cox (Bishop Richard), 1500-81, his biography, iii. 269 ; iv. 48

Cox (Major Talbot Ashley), letter to General von Zastrow, v. 107, 152, 293, 373

Cox (Rev. Thomas), his ' History of Warwick- shire,' v. 327, 372, 518

Cox (Rev. William), lecturer at St. Mary Abbots, xi. 127, 195

Cox (W. A.) on Charles, Duke of Orleans, xii. 348. " Jnay Daultre," x. 329. Saint and the niche, xii. 327. Shakespeariana, ix. 506. Telling the bees, viii. 329. White (Kirke), vi. 427

Coxe (A. C.), his ' May Morning at Magdalen College,' v. 155

Coxe family of Clent and Swynford, x. 29, 115

Coxon (Rev. John), curate at Morpeth, 1754, x. 368

Coxon (L.) on Rev. John Coxon, x. 368

Crabb-Boucher (Capt. J.) on Trumper family, viii. 231

Crabbe (G.), bibliography, i. 86

Crabbe (N.) on " My Lord the Sun," i. 126

Crabble, place-name, x. 269, 312

Crafts (W. F.) on Jones = Francis, xi. 128

Cragsley on Scottish newspaper press, v. 388

Craib (T.) on chantry at Northiam, ix. 97. Eglia in Lincolnshire, ix. 12

Craigie (W. A.) on revert, ix. 70

Craik (Georgiana M.), her first novel, i. 346

Crake, artist, 1687, xii. 491

Crakowed shoes, derivation of the word, vii. 445

Cramer (A. M.) on Pinto (Mendez), xi. 77. Polish Dragoons, xi. 256. Psychological moment, xi. 138. Shibboleth, xi. 36

Cramp or torpedo fish, epigram on, vi. 16

Crane (C. O.) on Frances Wright d'Arusmont, v. 307

Crane (E. S.) on China, travels in, ii. 408. Moscow campaign, iii. 212. Vastern, iii. 347. Wall : Martin, ii. 309 ; iv. 14

Crane (H. E.) on Nonconformist burial-grounds, x. 152

Crane (T.), Fellow of Winchester College, ii. 45, 116 ; Winchester scholar, vi. 189

Crane (Walter) on ballad by Heber : W. Crane, v.

253, 413

Crane family of Chester, v. 184, 253, 351, 413, 490

Cranes, ancient, in England and Germany, xi.

146 Cranes and pigmies, Pompeian fresco, iv. 266, 356,

417 Cranmer (Archbishop), his library, iii. 24 ; and

the Boleyn family, iv. 201 Crary (A.) on Fulton the inventor, ix. 128 Crashaw (R.), his 'Hymn to St. Theresa' and

Coleridge's ' Christabel,' ix. 27, 112 ; and

Maximilian Sandseus, x. 307 Craven family, x. 490 Crawe, a variant of crab, iii. 154 Crawford (C.) on crows and rain,x. 136. ' England's

Parnassus,' 1600, ix. 341, 401; x. 4, 84, 182,

262, 362, 444; xi. 4, 124, 204, 283, 383,

443, 502 ; xii. 235. Jonson (Ben) and

Bodenham, x. 206. Jonson's ; The Case is

Altered,' xi. 41. Montaigne, Webster, and

Marston, iv. 41, 121, 201, 302 ; v. 301, 382.

Montaigne, Webster, Marston, and Donne, vi.

22, 122, 242. Webster and Sir P. Sidney, ii.

221, 261, 303, 342, 381

Crawford (J. R.) on the National Flag, x. 130 Crawford (Miss), Canadian poet, her biography,

xii. 310, 353, 417 Crawford (O. G. S.) on dedications of churches,

ix. 28. Egypt as a place-name, x. 447. Harro-

way, ix. 310. Icknield Way, x. 490 Crawford (R.) on tinterero, iv. 316 Crawford (R. K.) on naval action of 1779, ii. 228 Crawford (W.) on Waugh family of East Gordon,

vi. 156

Crawley (Capt.) and Lord Byron, xii. 49, 218 Crawley (H. H.) on Piccadilly, viii. 89. Stuai-t

(Mary) i. 28.

Crawley (J. A.) on Pishoken, iv. 350 Crayfish, onions, and snakes, x. 448 Crayle (Crayle), 1721-80, his book-plate, xii. 128 Cre Fydd and the Griffith family, iii. 448 Creagh (Richard), ' D.N.B.' on, ix. 182, 273 Creation on a Saturday, iii. 268, 332 Cree (A. T. C.) on William Peck, i. 348. River

divided, i. 391 Creed (J. M.) on Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV.,

v. 227

Creeling the bridegroom, vii. 186, 256, 296 Creepa Close, Walney Island place-name, ii. 56 Creeper (Sophia) on Hawtrey, v. 417 Creevey (T.) and Duke of Wellington at Brussels,

xii. 146

Creevey (Capt. William), his biography, i. 285, 355 ' Creevey Papers,' Sir Herbert Maxwell's edition,

i. 285, 355 Creighton (Bishop), his monument in St. Paul's,

vi. 226 ; ix. 168

Creighton (Robert), Canon of Wells, viii. 470 Cr&nail (Vicomte de), poet, ix. 50, 112, 277, 338 Cremation, early instances, ix. 10, 76, 117, 195 Cremer (Sir W. R.), M.P., his descent, x. 104 Cremitt money, meaning of the term, x. 106 Creole folk-lore, ix. 227, 338, 494 Crespigny (Sir Claude Champion de), his memorial

inscription, viii. 7

Cresset stones, v. 308, 394 ; vi. 50, 155 Cresswell (L.) on blood used in building, iii. 34. " I had three sisters," xii. 28. Names common to both sexes, ii. 156 Crest. See Heraldry. Creswell (Dr. F. S.), his death, i. 280 Creswell (P. T.) on Longfellow, ii. 226 Creswell family of Odiham, c. 1661, v. 345 Crichton (Admirable), his identification, vi. 465 ; vii. 33