Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/82

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Cricket, earliest mention, iv. 9, 95, 132, 215, 496 ;

early pictures and engravings, iv. 9, 95, 132,

238, 496 ; v. 54, 96, 177 ; vi. 78, 92, 157 ;

the term " Test Match," iv. 246 ; Forman,

Essex cricketer, v. 228 Cricket match, first separately printed account,

ii. 145, 394 ; earliest report, vii. 441 ; viii. 75,


Cricket matches, ladies', xi. 386 Cricket slang, derivation of " googlie," xii. 110, 194,


Cricket umpires, their garb, ii. 126 Cricketer on cat folk-lore, viii. 227 Cricklewood, place-name, ii. 408, 476, 495 Cries, musical, in London, vi. 249, 335, 434 Crimea, sufferings of the army in, iii. 21, 104 Crimean War, Russian officer rallying his men,

viii. 251

Criminal, reprieved, collar for, viii. 507 ; ix. 174 Criminals, habitual, statistics of, v. 148, 216 Crimp, obsolete English game, vii. 511 Crimson robes first worn by cardinals, i. 71, 157,


Crippen (T. G.) on Moravian Chapel, viii. 194 " Cripple carrying " in church books, its meaning,

x. 269 ; xi. 193

Crisp (D.) on Napoleon's coronation robe, v. 9 Crisp (P. A.) on James and Jane Hogarth, iii. 87 Cristo, Santissimo, of Burgos, vi. 309, 394 Croal (George) and Sir Walter Scott, v. 66 Crock of gold and rainbow, fairy tale, vi. 289 Crocker (Charles), 1797-1861, his poems, x. 489 ;

xi. 36

Crockerton Hill, white tree of, xii. 247, 377 Crockford (William), his biography, iv. 489 ; v. 12 Crocodile, prehistoric remains at Fletton, ii. 286 Crocodiles in heraldry, xii. 225 Croker (Thos. Crofton), his pantomimes, iii. 269 Crokesden, co. Stafford, Abbots of, vii. 449 Cromartie (Lord), his issue, c. 1746, v. 28, 70 Cromer, town crier of, vi. 218 Cromer Street, No. 123, its architectural eccen.-

tricities, iii. 248, 336, 375, 454 Crompton (Sir Thomas), 1589-1608, iii. 329 Crompton (W.) on Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, iii.


Cromran on Cromwell and 117th Psalm, x. 268 Cromwell (Col.), Royalist, 1646, viii. 30, 115 Cromwell (Oliver), buried in Red Lion Square, i.

72 ; his supposed head, i. 487 ; viii. 140 ; xi.

349, 389, 453 ; xii. 32 ; his bed-linen, ii. 268 ;

a brewer, iv. 80 ; his swords, 288 ; his burial- place, v. 205, 254 ; Scots members of his

House of Lords, vi. 208, 257 ; his advice to his

troops, 369 ; at Padua, 509 ; on ambition, vii.

208, 435, 514; and Chalfont St. Giles, 210 ;

and Milton, famous picture, viii. 22, 158, 375 ;

ix. 214 ; buried on Naseby Field, viii. 80 ;

and Hampden, their embarkation prevented,

446; M. Jeudy-Dugour's ' Histoire de Cromwel,'

1793, ix. 210 ; titles conferred by, x. 49, 112 ;

and 117th Psalm, x. 268, 436 ; xii. 417 Cromwell (Richard), son of Major Henry Crom- well Sarah Gatton, viii. 408 Cromwell (Richard), son of Oliver, his second wife,

i. 456 Cromwell (Major Richard), 1648, his biography,

v. 69, 113, 154 Cromwell (Robina), portraits of, i. 227 ; her

descendants, iv. 328, 376

Cromwell family and William Hake, M.P., viii. 448 Cromwell House, Highgate, iv. 48, 135, 437, 489 ;

v. 132

Crone (J. S.) on authors of quotations wanted, xi. 334 ; xii. 88. Ballad of Francis Renyi, iv. 176. Bew (J.), bookseller, xi. 256. Clarke (Adam): Adair (Patrick), vii. 308. D'Avaux r iii. 470. Dickens and lamplighter's ladder, ix, 472. ' D.N.B. Epitome,' ix. 153. English officials under foreign Governments, iii. 415. Epitaph on Burne- Jones, viii. 288. Fenians and Western Australia, ix. 332. Foot Guards , 3rd, at Bayonne, xi. 276. Hamlet as a Christian name, viii. 418. Holmes (Robert), xii. 310. Humanitas, iv. 529. Irish Rebellion of 1798, x. 117. Irish version of " De mortuis," ix. 455. Lean (Vincent Stuckey), iii. 15. Mac- aulay and Thorns, xi. 293. Mediaeval church- yards : gravestones, ix. 56. Moira (Lord) and United Irishmen, iv. 28. ' Notes by the Way,' xii. 145. ' Outlaw,' viii. 312. Power's .'-Bibliotheca Hibernica,' v. 170. ' Rinordine, Irish song, ix. 12. " Rising of the lights," iv. 135. St. Patrick, iii. 497. Tyrone history, v. 172. Warden (David Bailie), iii. 309. ' William Tell,' ii. 412 Cronert (Dr. W.), his new edition of Passow s

Greek-German Lexicon, v. 109 Crook (W. M.), on Benjamin Disraeli, xii. 449 Crooke (John), Westminster scholar, vii. 428 Crooke (W.) on Cureton's Multanis, iii. 318. Forests set on fire by lightning, iv. 95. Fryer (Dr. John), ix. 308. Indian magic, x. 495. Kipling's 'With Scindia to Delhi,' vi. 75. Lascar jargon, xi. 92. Man in the almanac, ix. 408. Ovington and Kipling, ix. 248. Salep or salop, i. 98. Taine " Tenir une queue de vache," x. 273

Crooke (William), his ' Things Indian,' v. 325 Crooke of the island of St. Christopher, viii. 234 " Crooked Billet," origin of the sign, x. 38, 77 Crooks, packhorse, viii. 27

Creole (Clement), Westminster scholar, vii. 450 Croppenbergh or Coppenburgh family, vi. 488 ;

viii. 67, 112 Croquet or tricquet in the sixteenth century,

ii. 8 Crosby Hall, its threatened destruction and history,

vii. 481 ; viii. 30, 71, 111, 256, 376 Crosby Square, E.C., rebuilding of No. 4, ix. 346 Crosfield (Mrs. C. J.) on Esther Giles : W. Carson,

v. 70

Cross (S. E.) on mediaeval churchyards, viii. 390 Cross (Lieut.-Col. William), C.B., his biography,

i. 407

Cross (W. L.) on Gobesius : Sheeter, v. 68 Cross : in the Greek Church, its shape and sym- bolism, ii. 469, 531; iii. 56; serpent bound to, vi. 109, 172 ; at Grantham, 127, 176 ; and elder-bush folk-lore, viii. 131, 211, 314 ; at Ruth-well, Dumfriesshire, x. 168, 217 Cross on " hot cross buns," ix. 345, 436 ; x. 157 Cross, archiepiscopal, in Tennyson's ' Becket,' iv.

106, 157

Cross, St. Andrew's, its colours, viii. 507 Cross, wooden, found at Higham-on-the-Hill, xi.

29, 358 Cross banner, in the churchwardens' accounts,

1532, xi. 249

Cross-bow or arbalest, its history, ii. 443 Cross-Crosslet on Cecil family, v. 94. Courtesy titles and remarriage, vi. 374 ; vii. 18. Davis , (Sir Thomas), Lord Mayor, 1677, vii. Dunghill proverb, ix. 413. Heraldic, v. 335. Lanark, i. 489. Leighton's ' British Crests,' v. 308. Nailsea Court, Somerset, vi. 433. Old-