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10* s. i. FEB. 27, i9w.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


of this letter. Advertisements of the King's School, Canterbury, assert that it is "the oldest Public School in England, dating from the 7th Century ; refounded by Henry VIII. in 1541." G. T.

Edenholm, Thames Ditton.

' THE TRUE METHODIST ; OR, CHRISTIAN IN EABNEST.' (See 8 th S. iii. 148.) It is now about eleven years since my query was inserted at the above reference without eliciting any reply. Being, however, at length enabled to myself supply the required information as to the authorship, I think it well to communicate the same to ' N. & Q.' The True Methodist ' appears to be one of the "lost" works of the Rev. William Warburton (afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, and friend of the poet Pope). It was written from the Established Church point of view as to the character and belief of a tnie Methodist, in opposition to the Methodism of the Wesley and Whitefield type; and the MS. in question was apparently revised for the press, 6 July, 1755, "after," as the author states therein, "reading of [the Rev.] Mr. Hervey's 'Dia- logues on Theron and Aspasio,' w ch savours strongly of Methodism," but was never printed. The MS. memorandum which is inserted in the volume, and was, I believe, made (possibly c. 1829) by the late Rev. W. Valentine, M A., incumbent of St. Stephen's, Stepney, Chaplain and House-Governor of the London Hospital, but possibly copied from Hurd, is as follows :

" Other Tracts in MS.

8. Notes on the Prophet Isaiah, &c.

9. Notes on the New Testam' Epistle to the Romans not finished.

10. On the Creed, or Credenda of Religion.

11. Proofs of X u Divinity from the four Evan- gelists.

12. The True Methodist.

13. Letters on various Questions in Divinity.

14. Reflections and Collections on the Subject of taking Oaths to Government.

"Of 'The True Methodist' we may form some opinion, both of the style and matter, by some letters addressed to Mr. Broughton [probably the Rr. Mr. Broughton, of Great St. Helen's, Bishops- gate, London, Afternoon Lecturer, who befriended the Rev. Geo. Whitefield in January, 1739], a transcript of which I have already committed to the inspection of the public. The composition alluded to in the schedule of tracts in MS. No. 12 [i.e., 'The True Methodist 'J is not, I believe, in existence. Not any other of these papers have fallen into my hands, neither has it been communi- cated to me with any degree of certainty in whose possession they now are. In all probability the greater part of them are either inadvertently lost or carelessly destroyed."

A MS. letter in a similar hand, of about -29J, small quarto pages, dated 6 December,

1737, from " W. W." (W. Warburton) to " Mr Whitfield " (the celebrated Geo. Whitefield), dissenting from the latter's sermons and notions concerning Regeneration and the New Birth, is also in my possession.

Whether Mr. Valentine (as above) possessed these two MSS. I am not certain ; but I believe they came to me, with others certainly his, from a London book-auction in or about 1878. His library was, however sold by auction by Evans in April, 1842, Possibly that of 1878 was of his son's books and MSS. W. I. R. V.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.

"THE CROWN AND THREE SUGAR LOAVES." From America I have been asked for some information which I have failed to obtain hitherto, and seek the aid of your valuable paper.

My correspondent inquires as to the position of a tea house with the sign of " The Crown and Three Sugar Loaves," and speaks of it as "the oldest tea house in Great Britain, and the one that exported the tea that made so much commotion in Boston Harbour" presumably in 1773. My interro- gator speaks of "across the Thames from Xewcomen Street " as the nearest indication of locality known.

1. Are the above statements accurate as far as they go ?

2. If so, what is, or was, the site occupied by the tea house in question 1

3. Is the old sign of "The Crown and Three Sugar Loaves" still to be seen, and where 1

4. If the house has been destroyed, when did such destruction take place? Hio.

" HE WHO KNOWS NOT," fec. In a letter to the Times of 5 January appeared the following lines. Can any reader give me the author's name? He who knows not, and knows not that he knows

not, is a fool ; shun him. He who knows not, and knows that he knows not,

is asleep ; wake him, teach him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise

man ; seek him.


ELEANOR MAPLETOFT. Can any reader give information as to the ancestors of Eleanor Mapletoft, married about 1780 to