Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/518

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. NOV. 27,

(d) Gregorius de la Dune held land of Baron William de Wyndsore in Cupton, Surrey, temp. Henry III. Ed. I.

Wareborne Manor, Kent, held by Ansfrid de Dene temp. King John, was held by Hugh de Windsor in the reign of Edward II.

That there was a connexion of some sort between the Dennys and the Windsors seems to be unquestionable. What that connexion may have been it is impossible to say without more evidence. It is scarcely likely that, at a period when comparatively few persons were armigerous, and men were exceedingly jealous for their family coats, the Windsors would have permitted the use of their arms by the Dennys unless the latter had some unquestionable claim to them.

It is possible that a Denny may have married a Windsor heiress, and that out of compliment to the distinction of her family their descendants placed her arms in the place of honour in the first quarter, and their paternal coat in the second. Or a Windsor may have married a de Dene heiress, and from her Manor of Dene their descendants may have been surnamed de Dene, Dene, and Denny. H. L. L. D.

COOPERS IN THE CITY IN 1440. I see that PROF. SKEAT (ante, p. 372) calls attention to cooper as being a variant of coper, a chapman. It may interest him to know that in a petition made to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City in 1440 by the Coopers of London, for formal recognition of certain ordinances, they are styled not only " Coupers " and " Cow- pers," but also " Copers ll (Letter-Book K, fo. 185b). REGINALD R. SHARPS.

Guildhall, E.G.

ST. ANDREW'S DAY AND THE SASSENACH. The subjoined cutting from a Northern local newspaper of some twenty-five years ago is, I think, too good to be lost :


Scots wha hae wi' Andrew fed !

Scots for wham the [thae] paitricks bled !

Hoo was ye when ye gaed to bed ?

A wee drap in your e'e. See the tatties and bashed neeps ! See thae singit heids o' sheep ! <I wow it gars the flesh ta creep

O' a southron loon like me.) Diana' the haggis mak' ye burn ? Aw puddins else I ken ye spurn (I wow it gars my wame to turn


Losh man ! the doo tairt 's unco' fine, The Bubbly Jocks aw in a line, An' Athol brose as weel as wine .. ^ An' honest barley bree.

Fill [up] your wames, blaw oot your cheeks I Set free the wesban's o' your breeks ! (I ken I '11 no' be weel for weeks, I think I'll turn an' flee.)

This usquebae aye maks me queer, The speeches gran' I canna hear, I think I 'm drappin' aff my cheer .

Hech ! whaur 's the tippenee ? Before I 'm fou I '11 end my sang, May aw your lives be unco' lang ! Ye 're the brawest chiels I 've been amang

Although ye 've pizzened me.

We greet ta say oor frien' is deid, He couldna' stan' oor haggis feed. Lord, keep us aw this side o' Tweed,

Par fra' oor ain countree. G. L.

I regret that I have not got a copy of the " menu " to which it refers, but, as "may be supposed, it was written in the " braidest Scots. n H. G. P.

THE NORTH POLE. - It is somewhat curious to observe that all our journalists, Punch included, connect the Pole with the ordinary E. pole, a stake, an upright rod, with which it has nothing whatever to do. None of them seems to be aware that it really represents the Gk. vroAo?, a pivot, a turning - point, from vreAeti', to be in motion. As this Gk. a- here represents an original Q, the true connexion is, not with L. pdlus, a stake, but with L. col-us, a distaff. And it is a singular fact that the same root QWEL is the origin of words so dis- similar to pole as wheel and cycle; and even of calash ir. the sense of a kind of carriage. WALTER W. SKEAT.

MEDIEVAL BODY FOUND AT STAMFORD. The subjoined paragraph appeared in The Daily News of S October, under the heading of ' A Priest, not " The Maid " : Interesting Stamford Story Untrue ' :

" The result of the Home Secretary's order for the exhumation and reinterment of the body found in a leaden coffin at Stamford disposes of the story connecting the ' Fair Maid of Kent ' with the discovery.

" Six layers of cere-cloth having been removed, the body of a bearded male person in a wonderful state of preservation was revealed. Documentary evidence found with the corpse (says a Press agency) indicates that the remains are those of John Staunford, a priest, who, 500 years ago, was authorised by a bull of Pope Boniface IX. to choose a confessor to grant him full remission of all his sins.

" The Star correspondent states that in the coffin there was a Papal indulgence of the 14th century, a record of the issue of which has since been found at the Vatican.

" Yesterday the body was reinterred by the Black Friars."

It is to be hoped that, in place of reinter- ment with the corpse, the document found