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10 s. XIL DEC. is, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


According to another old legend, the fair maiden Sabrina was thrown into the Severn by the enraged Gwendolen, divorced wife of Locrinus, son of Brutus, first King of Britain !

Are there any legends respecting other rivers ? JONATHAN CEREDIG DAVIES.

Llanilar, Cardiganshire.

DR. JAMES BRADLEY, ASTRONOMER ROYAL Reference to a pedigree showing names oi his parents, brothers, and sisters, beyond what is mentioned in the ' D.N.B. 1 will oblige. R. J. FYNMORE,


LACY FAMILY, c. 1570. Sir Charles Hedges, Secretary of State to Queen Anne, and his second cousin Sir William Hedges, manager and agent of the East India Com- pany in 1681, were great-grandsons of John Lacy, whose arms, three swans'- necks erased, they bore. John Lacy's son (grand- father of Sir Charles and Sir William) was William, born 1571, died 1645, and buried with his wife at Stratton St. Margaret's, Wiltshire. What was the name of John Lacy's wife ? When was he born, and where did he live ? He is described as descended from an ancient and worthy family in Corn wall. Any particulars about him would much oblige.

John Lacy, uncle of the Bishop of Exeter, is not the man, as the dates would not correspond. Lacy, Bishop of Exeter (will proved 1455) bore the same arms.


LOVELS OF NORTHAMPTON. Will the readers of ' N. & Q.' kindly inform me of relics and mementoes of the knightly family of Lovel, Barons of Tichmarsh, &c., whose ancestors, father and son, fought for the Conqueror at Senlac ? They are a Northamp- tonshire family par excellence, their descend- ants remaining, without a break, within the county to this day, though titles and estates have vanished, together with their castles of Tichmarsh, Brackley, and Minster Lovel in Oxon, and the manor houses of Weldon, Everdon, and Far things tone.

Are there any portraits in existence of those Lovels who were for many generations in England, and doubtless in Normandy at an earlier date, " Hereditary Masters of the Royal Buckhounds " ?

In what collection may be found a portrait of either of the Barons of Tichmarsh and Holland ; of Francis, Viscount Lovel, K.G. ; or of Sir Thomas Lovel, K.G., a cousin in blood, who died 1524 ?

Two memorial windows the one in Aldwinkle, the other in the church of Everdon are known to me. Are there no other monuments, tombs, or mementoes in the churches or great nouses of North- amptonshire ?

A tradition, handed down to me by my grandfather (a Lovel), says that on the attainder of Viscount Lovel by Henry VII., Hannah Fitzhugh of Ravensworth, Lady Lovel, whom he married in 1483, fearing the king, retired with her two baby boys, and hid in a lodge in Whittlebury Forest, where she was for a time under the protection of the chief of the gipsies. Tradition reports that her boys grew up with the gipsies, and that one married a Romany, and became their king ; hence the name of Lovel among gipsies. The other son settled on a small patrimony at King's Sutton or Chipping Warden, where Lovels are yeomen to this day.

I am curious to know what warrant there is for this romantic tradition. Replies will be gladly acknowledged by

THOS. H. WRIGHT. 142, Welling uorough Road, Northampton.

His HIGHNESS JOHN WILLIAM NEW- BOURG, COUNT PALATINE, c. 1675. Where can I obtain an account of this worthy ? I particularly want his portrait, pedigree, and any references or clues.

GEORGE GILBERT. Wentworth House, Keymer, Sussex.

MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS : LADIES-IN- WAITING AT ANTWERP. In the church of St. Andrew in Antwerp, on a pillar in the south transept, is a small medallion-portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots (by Pourbus), with an inscription in memory of that unfortunate sovereign, and of two of her ladies-in- waiting who are interred in this church, an any one tell me the names of these two ? L. C D.



William Baxter's ' Glossarium Antiquitatum 3ritannicarum, s 2nd ed., 1733, pp. 177-8, s.v. ' MinervsB,* is the following :

" Britannia vulgo Malen pro Furia Andrasta est

ive Diaboli Matre, quam imperiti sic appellant.

iTujus confingitur quidam Equus magicus nomine

March Malen, sive Malense vel Minervse Equus,

iuo vehi feruntur per aera malen'ci ; olim autem

. egasus hie erat, quo vehebantur vita functorum

umbrae. Atque hinc natum videtur quod instar

'roverbii est in ore vutgi. A gasgler ar Varch

Malen dan ei dorr ydh a, hoc est, Quod Malense

equi dorso comparatur, id subter ventrem ejus dis-