Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/626

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1906.

P. (R. B.) on foot-warmers in church, 307

Longman, barrel-organ builder, Gheapside, 473 Nelson Column, 457

Salisbury, Marquis of, in Fitzroy Square, 5 Theatre in Rawstorne Street, Clerkenwell, 329 " Vine " Inn, Highgate Road, 235 Windsor Castle sentry, 310 P. (V. D.) on our Grandees of Spain, 481 P. (W. E.) on chemist of the future, 408 P. (W. R.) on Danish surnames, 137 Page (J. T.) on All Fools' Day, 416 Bacon or Usher! 234 Badges, 407

Baptist Confession of Faith, 455 Beating the bounds, 390 Bigg, the Dinton hermit, 285, 376 Bloomfield ( Robert), 47

"Bright chanticleer proclaims the dawn," 276 Church music, 253 Coliseums old and new, 191 Compter Prison, 254 Diving-bell, 415

England, English : their pronunciation, 393 English burial-ground at Lisbon, 34 Epitaphs, their bibliography, 114, 437 Flaying aliva, 153 Guardingg, 476

Halls of the City Companies, 294 Heacham parish officers, 37 Horseshoes for luck, 9 Irish folk-lore, 313

James II., inscription on his statue, 57 ' Lass of Richmond Hill,' 352 London cemeteries in 1860, 133 Martello towers, 193, 252 Mayers' song, 75 Moxhay (Mr.), 474 Nelson Column, 456

  • Northampton Mercury,' 5, 137

Parishes, small, 193, 317 Penny wares wanted, 17 Pillion : flails, 375 Police uniforms : omnibuses, 136 " Pop goes the weasel," 491 Roman theatre at Verulam, 55 Shacklewell, 414 Shakespeare's pall-bearers, 275 Slates in school, 14 Song wanted, 212 Split infinitive, 52 ' Streets of London," 476 Wooden fonts, 254

Painting of a wooden loom, dated 1589, 308 Palindrome : Sator arepo tenet opera rotas, 249, 310,


Pallet on Legenvre, 309 IPalm Sunday and Easter customs, 304 Palmer (A. Symthe) on boast, 486 Palmer (J. Foster) on Dr. James Barry, 313 H, its use or omission, 156 Philippina: philopoena, 471 " Pop goes the weasel," 491 Queen's surname, 114, 351 Pamlico or Pamplico Indians, 254 (Pancake Day celebrations in Midland villages, 225,331 Panignana (Count A. de), his MSS., 8, 94

Pantomimes by T. C. Croker, 269 'arallel passages : Woman, Heaven's second thought, 67; Byron and Moore, 406 ; Barns and Young, 466 Pardoe (A.) on Irish folk-lore, 313 ' Pardoning out," Midland custom on Shrove Tuesday,


Parish Clerk, the office of, 17 Parish Clerks' Hall, 87, 171, 294 J arish constables, their duties, 37

ish documents, their preservation, 36 'arish registers of Tottenham, 226 Parishes, small, 128, 193, 274, 317, 331, 374 J arisot (Madame), ballet-dancer, her portrait, 208 arker family, 470 Parker (E. J.) on Felix Bryan Macdonough, 98

arkgate Theatre, it* locality, 289, 355, 397, 457 Parkins (Joseph Wilfred), Sheriff of London, 108, 157,


Parks (W. H.) on song wanted, 169 Parliamentary quotation, 206, 294, 494 "arsloes, Essex, its history, 430, 490 Partridge family of Shotley, wills and marriages, 4 Patching (J.) on beating the bounds, 293 Patent medicines, definition in ' H.E.D.,' 86, 175 Patents of precedence, 90, 151 Pater Noster of St. Julian, 809, 393 Paton (H.) on Patrick Bell, Laird of Antermony, 12 Patterson (W. H.) on Abraham Newland, 89

Irish soil exported, 394 Paul (F.) on George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham,

173 Pavilion Theatre, Whitechapel Road, and John

Farrell, 188, 252 Pawnbroker's sign and the Medici arms, 207, 330 Peach (H. H.) on historical tract, 187 Verses : author wanted, 70 Wassail, 10 Peacock (0. M.) on Lincolnshire saying, 145 Peacock (E.) on ghost- words, 498 Isle of Dogs, 427 Lincoln inventory, 388 Madden's ' Havelock the Dane,' 429 Twitchel, 351 Pearshouse (John) and Stratford-on-Avon, 187 Penny (F.) on blood used in building, 76 De Morgan : Turville, 311 St. Sepulchre, 172 Turing : Bannerman, 316 Penny wares wanted, 16, 98, 235, 312 Percy (Hugh), curious MS. volume by, 28, 97 Perficient, use as a noun, 68 Perit, a minute weight, its history, 166, 238 Permission cap, meaning of the term, 147 Persehouse family, 167, 251 Persehouse (Peter), Middle Temple student, 469 Perugino's pictures stolen by the French army, 7 Phelps (Samuel) and theatre in Rawstorne Street,

Clerkenwell, 329

'Phenix,' 1707, its historical accuracy, 89 Philadelphia, Swedenborgianism in, 86 " Phil Blia," his identity, 36, 79, 112 Philippa (Queen), d. 1430, her tomb in Vadstena

Church, Norway, 246, 315

Philippina, juvenile diversion, its name, 406, 471 Phillipps (Sir Thomas) and his library, 462 Phillips (W.) on Audience Meadow, 493