Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/627

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.



Philopcena, juvenile diversion, its name, 406, 471 Phinn (C. P.) on authors of quotations wanted, 75 Phipps (B. W.) on Marmont family, 251

Twitchel, 351 Phoenix. See Phenix.

Photographs and lantern slides, their registration, 85 Piccadilly, the Egyptian Hall, 163, 236, 297, 334, 411 Pkkford (J.) on anchorites' dens, 293, 391

Bigg, the Dinton hermit, 286

Coliseums old and new, 54, 191

Colosseum v. Coliseum, 267.

' Coryate's Crudities,' 426

Cureton's Multanis, 269

Curran (Sarah), B. Emmet, and Major Sirr, 47]

Douce (Francis), 313

Duelling in England, 475

Inscriptions at San Sebastian, 433

Langley Mevnell : Sir Eobert Francis, 331

' Lats of Kichmond Bill,' 497

Lepel (Molly), her descent, 254

Mercury in Tom Quad, 97

"Mr. Pilblister and Betsy his sister," 16

Parkgate Theatre, 397

Pillion : flails, 434

St. Sepulchre, 295

Satan's autograph, 415

Saxton family, of axton, co. York, 334

Undertaker, 273

Vadstena Church, Norway, 246 Pickwick, c. 1280, 447 Pictures in Lyons Museum, 7 Pierpoint (B.) on "An old woman went to market," 271

Authors and their first books, 297 Bibliographical noteson DickensandThackeray,337

Bigg, the Dinton hermit, 435

Blood used in building, 114

Bonaparte and England, 408

Dettingen trophies, 68

Dickeneian London, 453

Duelling in England, 475

English burial-ground at Lisbon, 135

English officials under foreign Governments, 415

"Gutta cavat lapidem non vi sed tsepe cadendo,"47

James II., inscription on bis statue, 15

" Poeta nascitur non fit," 433

Pseudonyms, 287

Eussian and Japanese communications, 417

Shakespeariana, 184

Tacitus translated by Greenwey and Savile, 488 Pig hanging a man, story of, 50 Pigott (W. J.) on Sir George Davies, Bart., 469

Warren (Richard), 60 Pillions, their use, 267, 338, 433 Pimlico, derivation of the name, 182, 254 Pinchbeck family, 421

Pink (W. D.) on Sir Thomas Crompton, 329 Pins used as a charm, 106

Pitt-Lewis (G.) on 'Love's Labour's Lost,' 265 Place-names, Lamb in, 109, 149, 294 : American, 188,

276, 333

Plagiarism on a large scale, 363 Plassey, error in Macaulay's essay on Clive, 405 Platea (Franciscus de), his ' Eestitutiones,' 108, 194 Platt (Isaac Hull) on Polonius and Lord Burleigh : Cecil and Moutano, 305, 416

Shakespeariana, 426

Platt (J.), Jun., on Algonquin element in English, 77 American place-names, 276 Anvari, Persian poet, 166 Besant, 196

Brian Boru : Concobar, 307 Carnegie, its pronunciation, 487 Chinook jargun, 106 Griffith and Cre Fydd, 448 Indian kings, 497 Kamranh Bay, 365 Letters, their names, 277 London street names, 254 MacErlean suman.r, 249 Mungoose, 205 Omar's prosody, 121 Pompelmous, 191 Bogestven&ky, 396 Satan's autogiaph, 268 Shicer and thicker, 345 Skunk, 386 Souwarrow nut, 447 Thunder folk-lore, 408 Tigernacus, 318 Totem, 27 Tourmaline, 66, 152 Tsarskoe Selo, its pronunciation, 146 Verschoyle : Folden, 115 Vixens and drunkenness, 437 Voivode, 266 Wapiti, 29

Plays, eighteenth-century and older, 48 Plea Bolls of Chester, their publication, 388, 494 Poet Laureate read at head of troops, 345 Poels, Agnostic, 38

Poland (Sir H. B.) on authors of quotations wanted, 335 Polar inhabitants, their folk-lore, 30 Police uniforms in London, 29, 75, 136, 432 Polish roval genealogy, 429 Pollard (H. P.) on Hertfordshire iconoclast, 168 Masons' marks, 332 Pancake day, 331 St. Nicholas's, Hertford, 406 Pollard (M.) on Norman inscriptions in Yorkshire, 397"

Shacklewell, 353 Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. K.) on Charles I. in

Spain, 236

Colenso (Bishop), 251 Marriage Service, 74

Portraits which have led to marriages, 435 Polonius and Lord Burleigh, 305, 416 Pompelmous or pompelmoose, its etymology, 168, 191,.

256, 331 Poole (M. E.) on Langley Meynell : Sir Eobert

Francis, 332

Poole (W. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, 88 Battlefield sayings, 35 Phrases, seventeenth-century, 371 Portraits which have led to marriages, 287, 334, 377,435' 'ostage stamps, used, 400 3 otato rings, Irish, 149 Potter (G.) on Cromer Street, 375

Elm, great hollow, at Hampstead, 187 Powell (Thomas), his address to Francis Bacon, 106 'rattenton family pedigree, 488 'rayer for twins, 428 J rayer-Book, American, 208